[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] October Crier

rtbyrne at aol.com rtbyrne at aol.com
Thu Oct 14 22:08:05 UTC 2021



Bon jour, Mon Ami – Welcome to a special Crier that we areputting out in an attempt to get the Chapter back on track.  COVID-19 has made the last year and a halfdifficult to hold meetings and just meet with people in person.  It’s time to put the Chapter back infocus.  A first step should be to electofficers.  The State Convention will betaking up some of your zoom time in the next week or so, but we have to try toplan our actions after Convention. In order to make it easier to attendConvention virtually, I am cancelling this week’s meeting.

In my opinion, our priority needs to be the election ofofficers to help us get back on track. Another priority might be our meeting timeand place.  I know we all have different obligationsto our family members and/or our jobs that make selecting a meeting datedifficult for some. As we discuss what date works best for the majority we needto remember the meeting is only once a month and most of us can plan around it.


Most of us know our time obligations to our job and/or ourfamilies.  Being an officer in ourChapter does not require all that much time, but I guess it could put a slight strainon us occasionally.  We have several folksthat have been officers in the past who you could ask for advice on what thejob entails.  I am asking you to lookinto yourself and your available time to see if you can step forward to leadthe Chapter.  If you think you want toand can, please send me an email or call me and express your interest.  I will share anyone’s interest with the currentofficers to see if they could give you any advice on the amount of time thatposition might take.  I don’t think beingan officer in our Chapter is an onerous job but is an important one.  A healthy Chapter will benefit all the members– present and future.  We owe it to the othermembers of the Chapter to be there to help each other, and possibly, the newlyblind.

Please call me, Holly Frisch, Michael Kasey, Jessica Reed,or Brittany Ingram to ask questions that you might have.  We need to get the Chapter  moving. For the benefit of current members andour other BVI brethren who need our help and support.

Please think long and hard about being an officer.  The job is not a terribly hard one, but itcan be a very valuable one.  Pleasecontact me if you are interested so we can put out a list of candidates to leadus into 2022.


Dick Byrne, President


rtbyrne at aol.com
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