[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] meeting minutes for March 2022 Fred Chapter NFBV
Michael Kasey
michaelgkasey at verizon.net
Thu Apr 7 21:18:35 UTC 2022
Please review and prepare to vote to accept at our meeting tonight!
From: rtbyrne at aol.com <rtbyrne at aol.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2022 4:56 PM
To: michaelgkasey at verizon.net
Subject: meeting minutes
Minutes of the March 19, 2022 Meeting
The meeting was called to order by the President, Dick Byrne. Those in attendance included Dick and Sue Byrne, Holly Frisch, Michael Kasey, Jesse Wilinski, Sr., Jesse Wilinski Jr., a new member, William Hough, and via Zoom Chris and Pam Ehrmann and Juana Carlisle.
Michael reminded members that dues should be paid by the end of March and dues were collected from several people.
Next order of business was election of officers. Jesse made a motion to nominate Michael Kasey as president; this was seconded by William Hough. Dick Byrne asked three times if there were any other nominations. After no further nominations a vote was taken and Michael was elected President.
Michael made a motion to nominate Brittany Ingram for Vice President, which was seconded by Jesse. The question was repeated three times if there were any other nominations; with no others nominated, a vote was taken and Brittany was elected Vice President.
Michael nominated Holly Frisch for Treasurer which was seconded by Jesse. The same procedure followed and Holly was elected Treasurer. Dick Byrne nominated Sue Byrne for Secretary which was seconded by Michael. The same procedure followed and Sue was elected Secretary.
Election of two Board Members was discussed. The duties of Board Members is to discuss issues with the officers between meetings to offer advice and/or recommendations. This is usually done via email or Zoom. Michael nominated Juana Carlisle and was seconded by Dick. Juana agreed to accept the post. Holly nominated Jesse which was seconded by Michael. Jesse accepted the position.
Michael recommended changing the Chapter meeting to the second Thursday of the month, betginning at 7:00 PM. We would also offer the option of Zoom. A vote was taken and results were six ayes and three nays. Holly suggested taking a vote of all chapter members via email. Michael proposed to send an email and assess the votes. We will go ahead and change to Thursday night for the April meeting and Michael asked Holly to secure a room at the Library.
Several proposals for activities were put forth for consideration and further discussion. They are as follows:
A social luncheon at Brock’s Riverside Restaurant to be paid for by the Chapter for members whose dues are up-to-date; possibly invite a delegate or Senator to discuss legislation.
Paddle Boating at Motts Run and/or Bowling for the Blind. William volunteered to help with the bowling.
Annual Walk with the Blind. It is felt it is too late to plan for this Spring and perhaps work toward promoting it for October, which is White Cane Month. This would give the Chapter more time to secure donations and door prizes for the event. We also need to secure a permit to hold the event.
Michael gave the Treasurer’s report. The Chapter has over$2,000.00. He proposed we allot up to $500.00 for the luncheon. The Chapter typically donates to the following to the NFB: $200 to the White Cane Fund, $100 to the Jernigan Fund; $100 to Jacobs Tenbrook, and $100 to the Sun Fund. Jesse seconded the motion, which was voted on as proposed.
Michael reminded the group that we don’t have to vote on expenditures,they are at the discretion of the President. Dick feels there should be a limit of $500.00. This was voted on and accepted.
Michael would like to purchase a Chapter Banner for use at exhibits. Brittany suggested we have a table at the Farmers’ Market to be manned by volunteers from the Chapter. Michael proposed paying up to $100.00 for the banner; seconded by William. Voted in by Chapter.
Suggestion to discuss at a later date planning a picnic.
Keep in mind National Convention in New Orleans this summer which will be in person and virtual. The Chapter can help with expenses. Dick will send out an inquiry to see if anyone is planning to attend. Info on State Convention will be coming out also- usually help late October/early November. It is set for Tyson’s Corner.
Motion was made to adjoi8rn the meeting at 11:10 AM and seconded by Jesse.
Sue Byrne, Secretary.
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