[NFBV-Historic-Fredericksburg] Fred NFB Chapter status

Michael Kasey michaelgkasey at verizon.net
Fri Aug 19 21:28:11 UTC 2022


I regret to inform you that after 20 years, the chapter leadership has
decided to ask the NFB of Virginia Board of Directors to consider our
chapter to be in a suspended status.  The final decision will be made at the
NFB of Virginia annual state convention In late October in Tysons Corner.


Many of you have actively participated in our efforts.  I sincerely
appreciate this and have enjoyed our association together.  However, the
leadership has attempted in the past year to hold regular meetings and plan
a variety of events.  The response to these plans have resulted in minimal
or no participation.


This is very frustrating to spend hours on planning and obtain little or no
interest.  Many of you have expressed the importance of our local chapter,
yet when asked to volunteer or provide ideas, there has been a lack of


I recommend that each of you stay connected with the NFB through the
At-Large Chapter (details below), attend the NFB of Virginia convention
(details to be announced via the NFBV Announce list (a list of which you
should all be included)


You are encouraged to keep in contact with me to continue advocacy with
local, state and Federal elected officials.


If you have any questions or comments, please let me know at
michaelgkasey at verizon.net <mailto:michaelgkasey at verizon.net>  or


If you know of anyone who needs information concerning Blindness, please
share my contact with them.



At-Large Chapter

Patrick Johnson, , President
Phone: 540-230-4287
Email:  <mailto:patrickjohnson1015 at gmail.com> patrickjohnson1015 at gmail.com

Designed to meet the needs of Virginians who do not live near a local
chapter, we meet virtually. Meetings are the second Monday at 8pm August -
May with a face to face reception held during state convention.

For the Zoom login details, please contact the chapter president.


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