[NFBV-Potomac-Announce] Last Call . . .

Christine Grassman cfgrassman at icloud.com
Mon Dec 28 21:10:20 UTC 2020

Listen, there are reasons for hiding and not letting some individuals or entities know where you are, but that isn’t true of your Potomac Chapter family. We need to know we’ve got your name spelled correctly, the correct address, telephone, and other contact information right on our list. 
Thank you so much to those of you who are helping to keep our membership list current, but . . . and you know who you are . . . procrastination is for lazy weekends, not for our membership list update.
So . . . please check the list that has been sent out multiple times and ensure that your information is correct, even if you’re absolutely, positively certain it is correct.
Please. With a tall glass of eggnog on top, or whatever beverage or treat of your choice.
And get the info to us right quick; don’t drop the ball.
They’ll do that in Times Square soon enough, and by the time they do, I want us to have a fully updated, accurate membership list.
Let’s prepare for a new year that will hopefully be much happier and healthier than the one we are about to leave behind, and in a few months, I hope to be with each and every one of you in person.

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