[NFBV-Potomac-Announce] January Potomac Chapter Treasurer's Report

Christine Grassman cfgrassman at icloud.com
Sun Jan 8 01:41:30 UTC 2023

	Potomac Chapter National Federation of the Blind of Virginia
Treasurer’s report for the period 11/09/2022 to 01/11/2023

General fund:

Beginning Balance $1,130.64


Dues for  4 members $20

Holiday party payments for 28 people $952

Food pantry contributions $192

Donations to chapter $32

50/50 raffle proceeds $55

Treasury correction: deposit from last year that was not recorded on last year’s ledger: $210

Total income: $1,461.00


NFBVPAD for December $10.00

NFB PAC for December $10.00

NFBVPAD for January $10.00

NFB PAC for January $10.00

Holiday party meal expense $883.87

Holiday party refund $68

Check to St. Georges food pantry $192

Square fees $.45

Total disbursements $1,184.32

Ending Balance as of 01/11/2023: $1,407.32

Youth Fund $0.00

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