[NFBV-Seniors] Exercise books Available on BARD

brlteacher13 at gmail.com brlteacher13 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 19:32:07 UTC 2019

Hi all:


During our January Senior call, our speaker, Nancy Quarles, discussed the
importance of staying active and engaged. Attached and below is a list of
exercise books available on the BARD, (Braille and Audio Reading download)
web site.  If you aren't already registered, go to:
<https://www.loc.gov/nls/> https://www.loc.gov/nls/ or call: 888-657-7323 to
sign up.


Nancy Yeager, President

Senior Division, NFB of Virginia


Exercise Books Available On BARD


The following exercise books are available at no charge.


Be alive as long as you live:  DB16748; Frankel, Lawrence J Richard; Betty


 <https://nlsbard.loc.gov/nlsbardprod/download/detail/srch/DB70650> Exercise
& physical activity: your everyday guide:  DB70650; Pocinki, Karen McCrory
Rodgers; Anne Brown; National Institute on Aging.


 <https://nlsbard.loc.gov/nlsbardprod/download/detail/srch/DB29449> Good-bye
to bad backs: a proven program of simple stretching and strengthening
exercises for better body alignment and freedom from lower back pain:
DB29449; Scott, Judith.


 <https://nlsbard.loc.gov/nlsbardprod/download/detail/srch/DB24483> Reach
for fitness: a special book of exercises for the physically challenged:
DB24483; Simmons, Richard.


 <https://nlsbard.loc.gov/nlsbardprod/download/detail/srch/DB12072> Sixty
plus & fit again: exercises for older men and women: DB12072; Rosenberg,


 <https://nlsbard.loc.gov/nlsbardprod/download/detail/srch/DB39218> Smart
exercise: burning fat, getting fit: DB39218; Bailey, Covert.


 <https://nlsbard.loc.gov/nlsbardprod/download/detail/srch/DB72073> The "I
hate to exercise" book for people with diabetes: turn everyday home
activities into a low-impact fitness plan you'll love: DB72073; Hayes,


 <https://nlsbard.loc.gov/nlsbardprod/download/detail/srch/DB08974> The body
shop: Scandinavian exercises for relaxation: DB08974; Hinrichsen, Gerda.


 <https://nlsbard.loc.gov/nlsbardprod/download/detail/srch/DB32906> The
complete book of exercise walking: DB32906; Yanker, Gary.


 <https://nlsbard.loc.gov/nlsbardprod/download/detail/srch/DB53448> The
healing power of exercise : your guide to preventing and treating diabetes,
depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, and more:
DB53448; Goldberg, Linn; Elliot, Diane L.


 <https://nlsbard.loc.gov/nlsbardprod/download/detail/srch/DB28144> The
W.E.T. workout: water exercises and techniques to help you tone up and slim
down aerobically: DB28144; Katz, Jane.


 <https://nlsbard.loc.gov/nlsbardprod/download/detail/srch/DB65400> Water
exercises for osteoarthritis: the effective way to reduce pain and
stiffness, while increasing endurance and strength, DB65400; Rosenstein, Ann


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