[NFBV-Seniors] Register for the NFB 2020 Convention

Joe Hobson joewhobson at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 18:18:14 UTC 2020

I registered for convention weeks ago, and immediately received
confirmeation, of which I have a record.

Now, this message reminder today but it says I have to also registerd to
attend my heretofore senior division meeting?

I am a little confused?

Other divisions, i.e., Veteran, where I am active, have waiverd the $5
membership fee.

Is this really necessary at this strange time.

I do not like passing off money on line and think there is room for
corruption with money money over computer.


Need a little advice here, since other divisions are waiving, I gather
senior are not?


Clarification, please.


I will also try to connect with  Wayne, membership chair for senior


Thanks for any hints.


All this virtual is becoming very confusing and tedious.


Thank you.


Joseph W. Hobson

703 553 8484

joehobson at comcast.net

From: NFBV-Seniors [mailto:nfbv-seniors-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
nfbv-seniors--- via NFBV-Seniors
Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2020 12:32 PM
To: nfbv-seniors at nfbnet.org
Cc: tracy.soforenko at gmail.com
Subject: [NFBV-Seniors] Register for the NFB 2020 Convention


Hi Seniors:


Considering the ongoing impact and wide-ranging effects of the COVID-19
pandemic, the 2020 National Convention will be held virtually for the first


NFB Members are requested and non-members are invited to register at no cost
in order to get access to exclusive offers, convention announcements, door
prizes, and other exciting content. 


Convention dates are:  Tuesday, July 14 through Saturday, July 18, 2020.
The deadline for registration is June 15.  To register on-line, go to:
Convention Registration    


If you want assistance with registration:  please send the following
information to:  Nancyyeager542 at comcast.net
<mailto:Nancyyeager542 at comcast.net> , no later than June 13.  This will give
us time to register you by the June 15 deadline.


In order to register you, we will need the following information:


Registrant first name;

registrant last name;

registrant email;

registrant Address;

registrant Phone:  (Cell number, if you have one; otherwise home number is

Can we send texts to this phone number (yes or no;


The June Senior Division conference call is Wednesday, June 24 at 7:00.  The
topic is:  2020 NFB Convention: what we do and why you want to join us.


You will receive a brief meeting reminder a few days before the June 24
meeting.  In the meantime, please register for the convention.  You'll be
glad you did.


Please contact me if you have any questions:

Email:  nancyyeager542 at comcast.net <mailto:nancyyeager542 at comcast.net> 

Phone:  703-283-2524


Nancy Yeager, President

NFBV Seniors Division

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