[NFBV-Winchester] NFB Winchester Juuly Meeting Invitation (Agenda included)

James Shobert jrshober at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 00:12:16 UTC 2023

Hello Friends and Family.

Our next chapter meeting will be held this Saturday, July 15th, 2023, from
10am - 11:30am at Solenberger Hardware, 832 Berryville ave. For those
unable to attend in-person, you are invited to attend virtually using our
NEW zoom platform service. Everyone is warmly welcome to attend.

Instructions for attending virtually have changed, so please read the
instructions below carefully:

Click the link below if joining via a computer or phone app.


If calling in via phone you can use

One tap mobile

tell: +13017158592, 8297256345#


Telephone Dial: 1 (301) 715-8592

Meeting ID: 829 725 6345#

If needed the password is 20201940

Please announce yourself upon entering the room so we can welcome you!

*July 2023 Agenda: *

*Call to Order*

*NFB Pledge* - I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the
National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and
security for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the
Federation; and to abide by its constitution.


Collect funds for annual membership: $5.00

Vote on meeting minutes from previous month (attached for review)

Vote on treasury report from previous month (not attached. I will send when
i have recieved them)

*Reports from chapter committees:*

Communication committee Report

Technology committee report

Additional plug: Seeking new members interested in the Communication and
technology committee.

Briefing from Daniel about Clusiv

Report from President Chris Walker about the National Convention

Reminder: State convention: information for those wanting to attend. Its in
Williamsburg, VA at the Double Tree Hotel, November 2-5. If enough people
are interested in attending, maybe we can coordinate group transportation.

Summer Luncheon: This will be at Glory Days, located at 130 featherbed
Lane, Winchester, VA, 22601 in place of our August Chapter meeting. More
details to come

*Open Forum:*

Solicit for any additional action item?

Closing thoughts if time permits:

Meeting adjournment

These are the meeting minutes thus far. If you have anything you would like
to include, please let me know!


James Shobert
Vice President | Co-Chair Communication Committee
National Federation of the Blind, Winchester Chapter
Cell Phone: 989-992-7932
email: Jrshober at gmail.com
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June 17, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Vice President James Shobert, at
10:03 AM.  including members and guests, there were thirteen folks
present .

James Shobert led our members in the NFB Pledge.

James suggested we all take a few moments of silence in honor of
Carolyn Zdziera, one of our member who passed away recently.  Though
only a member for a short time, she had been on the communication
committee and also served as a Board member.

The Ice-Breaker this month, was to tell whether or not we were going
to the National Convention; and our thoughts about that event.  That
took a lot longer than anticipated because our membership is full of
thoughts and opinions.

Janet Lincoln read the minutes of the previous meeting.  They
were approved as read.

After a brief discussion, it was decided that we would no longer read
either the last months Treasurers Report, nor the minutes from
previous meetings.  They would instead be sent out to members before
the meetings.  Any corrections or concerns would be handled at the
meeting.  a motion was made and seconded, and the motion was approved.

Chris Walker told us the Lions Club were looking for funds to cover the
maintenance on the Sensory Trail we had funded, in the Jim Barnett
Park.  Given the funds, the local Boy scout troop would handle the
installation.  A motion to donate $500 was made and seconded.  It was voted on
and the motion passed.

Jackie Brown gave her Treasurers Report, and it was approved as read.  She
then told us who had paid their dues at the last meeting , then she
went on to collect dues from those who were not on that list.

The subject of our Summer Luncheon came up.  We voted to once again,
hold it at Glory Days, to be held on our meeting day in August, at
11:00 A.M.  As always, the Chapter would cover the cost of the meal.
Chris would make the arrangements.

The Technology committee report was given and submitted by Wayne
Williams.  Being short, it was not attached.  Basically, he has been
helping members by Assisting them with tech needs, and training with
Updated resource document and apps that assist with visual tasks.

James Shobert gave a Communications Committee report.  He started by
telling us that the National NFB had dropped off the Twitter site on
the internet.  So might our Chapter.  He and Wayne had been looking
into alternatives and the Mastodon option was looking good.  Wayne
said folks interested in this issue, should gather over Zoom to
discuss these options , and learn about different platforms.  This
turned into a combination report, since the Technology committee and
the Communications Committee are often either side of the same coin.

Chris reminded us that Chapter elections were coming soon.  With that
in mind, we held the first round of nominations, and it looks like it
might be the last.

President, James Shobert

Vice president, Wayne Williams

Recording secretary, Rodney O. Neely, which brought a cheer from the Greens.

Corresponding secretary, Janet Lincoln

Treasurer, Jackie Brown

Board officers
Chris Walker
Joanne Carver
Jim Green
Mary Green
Chapter delegate, James Shobert

Alternate Delegate, Wayne Williams

The meeting adjourned at around 11:30 AM. 

Respectively submitted,
Jim Green

Recording Secretary

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