[nfbwatlk] FW: Braille.org E-newsletter, Issue 5

Frye, Dan DFrye at nfb.org
Thu Jan 15 21:08:26 UTC 2009

Fellow Washingtonians:

Congratulations to our Seattle Chapter for its educational efforts on
Louis Braille's birthday. A feature piece about the Seattle Chapter's
success is part of Issue Five of the new, periodically released, Braille
Newsletter. The publication is below. If you already receive this,
please excuse and disregard the duplicate circulation; if you don't,
enjoy reading the recognition given to our Seattle Chapter in this
national newsletter.

With Kind Regards,

Dan Frye   

-----Original Message-----
From: Braille Literacy Team [mailto:brailleliteracy at nfb.org] 
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:49 PM
To: Frye, Dan
Subject: Braille.org E-newsletter, Issue 5

Braille coin and Braille Readers are Leaders banner


Marc Maurer
President, National Federation of the Blind Braille Reader

Terry Bradshaw
Hall of Fame Quarterback

Michael Hingson
Motivational Speaker
Braille Reader

Dr. Abraham Nemeth
Professor Emeritus
Inventor of the Nemeth Code
Braille Reader

The Honorable Pat Schroeder
Executive Director, Association of American Publishers Former Member of

Dr. Geerat Vermeij
Professor of Geology, University of California at Davis Braille Reader

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January 15, 2009, Issue #5

A Note from Dr. Fred Schroeder

January 4, 2009, marked the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of
Louis Braille, and across the nation members of the National Federation
of the Blind held events in celebration. At dozens of locations in
dozens of cities, we came together to commemorate the birth of a man who
is important to blind people everywhere, and we educated the public
about the illiteracy crisis we all must face. The events were a success,
and we should be proud of the work we accomplished.

However, what we began on January 4 is only one part of what we will do
in the coming year to ensure that blind children will have the
opportunity to learn to read and write. With the launch of the Louis
Braille Bicentennial Commemorative coin on March 26, we will have an
unparalleled opportunity to reach out to the public on a grand scale.
Through coin sales and matching funds we have the ability to raise eight
million dollars to support Braille literacy, and as we raise that money
we will educate school teachers and administrators, legislators, and
community leaders everywhere about the need for Braille literacy.

I am proud of everything we have done to ensure the success of this
campaign, and I am confident that as we move into the future, we will
continue to excel in our efforts. The members of the National Federation
of the Blind have never turned aside from a challenge, and our Braille
Readers are Leaders campaign will be no exception. As we continue the
work of this momentous campaign, I urge each of you to become involved
in whatever way you can. If we continue as we have begun, I am confident
of our success.



Exciting News  

We would like to recognize the outstanding efforts of the NFB of
Washington's Greater Seattle Chapter. In honor of Louis Braille's
birthday, the chapter organized a three-day book fair at their local
Barnes & Noble bookstore. The event took place January 2 through January
4 and included book signings, Braille demonstrations, Braille book
reading, and a very informative Braille display.
Barnes & Noble shoppers were encouraged to mention the event at the
store's checkout counter in order to have a portion of their purchase
donated to the chapter's Braille literacy efforts. As a result, the
chapter expects to receive more than $300. From what we hear the
celebratory spirit was contagious and by the second day of the event,
all of the Barnes & Noble staff were wearing Braille Is Beautiful
nametags. Way to go Greater Seattle! Be sure to visit the Happy Birthday
Louis Braille page to read about more exciting events.
http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=iNy-NswToaksfL0CLDR8Kg.. -

Save the date! The launch of the Louis Braille Commemorative Coin is
scheduled for March 26, 2009. Keep checking Braille.org

for more details.

Need Braille Books? Want to get rid of old Braille books? Wondering how
to build your Braille book library? Want to help get more books into the
hands of blind children? We are pleased to announce that
NFBShareBraille.org is ready to meet all of your Braille book needs.
Experience the NFB ShareBraille revolution!

A special thanks to our friends at the Wal-Mart Foundation for helping
us make  NFBShareBraille.org possible.

Leaders thrive in the face of challenge.  In honor of our Braille
Readers are Leaders Literacy Campaign, each regional competition of the
2009 Braille Challenge will be provided with a certificate to be awarded
to one young Braille reader who has met the challenge.  

This certificate will be redeemable for a United States Louis Braille
Commemorative Silver Dollar courtesy of the National Federation of the
Blind because Braille Readers are Leaders!



New! Braille Mail
Braille stories and activities sent in by our e-newsletter subscribers

New lyrics for "Louie Louie," written by Wayne Siligo, the music
director of the California School for the Blind.

Song for Louis Braille
Sung to the rock classic "Louie Louie" by the Kingsmen.
Chord progression is G major to C major to D minor, back to C.

Lyrics to celebrate the 200th birthday of Louis Braille

Now Louie was a man, born two hundred years ago.
And though he couldn't see, he learned a lot more then we know.
It bugged him as a kid, that he couldn't learn to write, But later on in
school, they would read to him at night.
Chorus: Louie, Louie, oh, oh we got to read now. (Repeat, with; we got
to write now)

He played the organ well, and taught his friends the way to play, Yet
Louie still believed, he'd read and write someday.
Then an army officer, showed him how to write with dots,

But Louie knew for sure, he had to change the bumps a lot.

He cut the cell in half, and then he wrote the alphabet.
With slate and stylus skills, the dots would help him not forget.
And even here today, his code can help us pass a test, Though folks have
tried to change it, Louie's code is still the best.

Louie changed our world, gave us words that we can touch, We can do it
on our own, Read in English, French or Dutch, And on his special day,
every one should stand and say; Thank you Louie Braille, your code has
given us the way! (Repeat last line and out)

Do you have a Braille activity that you think others would benefit from
hearing about? Do you know a Braille reader who is great leader?
If so, please send your thoughts to emakowske at nfb.org. Your submission
just might be featured in the next segment of Braille Mail.

How You Can Help the Braille Readers are Leaders Campaign

As always, please encourage people to join this campaign list. This
campaign is an excellent vehicle for us to build our list of individuals
who want to learn more about Braille, want to help with Braille
literacy, or are interested in buying coins. Every new subscriber is
another opportunity for us to share our message, a message that carries
with it the hopes and dreams of a future filled with equality and
opportunity for every blind American. Cut and paste this link to join
the NFB-Braille Commemorative Coin and Literacy
http://www.marchforindependence.org/site/R?i=nNEL4YjW00LIyNGdHtHv5w.. .

Follow the Braille Literacy Campaign on Twitter. Twitter is a service
for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate through e-mail and
texting quick frequent answers to one question: "What are you doing?"
Now, when you are asked, "What are you doing?" you can answer, "Making
Braille literacy a reality for all blind people!" 



Coming Soon

A new video promoting Braille music will soon be available. Keep
checking the Braille Music Resources

 page for more updates.





Photo: Blind girl reading Braille














Jim Portill assists Tim Kelly on a Braillewriter















Photo: Blind girl reading














A child reading a Braille book

NFB Braille Readers are Leaders logo

Visit the U.S. Mint

National Federation of the Blind
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
410-659-9314 * Fax 410-659-5129

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