[nfbwatlk] {Disarmed} FW: National Certificate in Employment Services

Nightingale, Noel Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Fri Dec 10 16:48:58 UTC 2010

From: ccer at yahoogroups.com [mailto:ccer at yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of LAURIE FORD
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 1:37 PM
To: ccer at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [ccer] National Certificate in Employment Services

Why invest your time and energy in earning the National Certificate in Employment Services?  Read on for comments from previous participants, then click on the link to register:
 "It was fantastic to be a part of the training, and you and John have a lot of expert knowledge - Thanks for sharing!"
 "Now that I've had a bit of time to digest what we covered in class, I am aware of how much I've learned.  My new mantra is "Employ the person, not the disability!" What's more, I now have new language with which to discuss ideas which before I only understood intuitively."
 "Thank you for the update on the class and those who received their certificates. I know that I am very proud of mine, as I am sure the others are too. Thanks again to both John and yourself for being such excellent and interesting instructors."
"I wanted to let both of you know how much, over time, I have appreciated the class and all the materials.  I have been in moments where I felt helpless or frustrated but then I have been able to refer back to the BIG BOOK and found exactly what I needed-and then some!  So, again, I didn't realize, how much I really gained from the class and the information that came with it but I have appreciated and love the e-mails regarding the classes and seminars that come along the way as well."
 "Laurie, it was wonderful working with you and John.  You both did an excellent job of making training both fun and effective.  I constantly found myself relaying different parts of the training to specific consumers, thinking how much they would benefit from this new found knowledge."
 "I have to say that it was the best training that I have ever been a part of. I use a lot of the tools that I learned on a daily basis."


National Certificate in Employment Services

Portland and Seattle


 Two Choices!

Click Here to
Register Now! <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=ywyc6ecab&et=1103909425386&s=12&e=001mjZsh8hTSgRd5bx1CGdfVJlp9yutwsrerxrPXkrIHMv6JBcgGiIO_teYazCgy9oPNNKglznkZddUMA_JlqcOBsHm9bTfH8cnqJ9RVcthtJCy7QlTHACJ8T_4EXLMQhfN12gKXkCjnCuNjvcnJvmq-FZOCrDeHgn1KBtwlenZYOb7iTUZb24h5A==>

$250 per person

January 11-12, 2011
 Double Tree
Lloyd Center
1000 NE Multnomah
Portland, OR 97232
503 281-6111

March 1-3, 2011
April 26-28, 2011
Silver Cloud
University Village
5036 25 Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98105
Free parking

Two days face to face January 11-12 followed by four weeks of online instruction (January 16 - February 12)

Two face to face sessions March 1-3 and April 26-28

The Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation (CCER) at the University of Washington presents a certificate program for direct service providers. The Certificate in Employment Services (CES) concentrates on practical employment strategies for people with disabilities, and provides an overview of significant disabilities; practical strategies for career development, job development, and job support; and rehabilitation issues/ current trends.

CES is designed to help course participants understand and utilize best practices across employment settings. The course focuses primarily on serving people who have developmental disabilities, but the information provided can also be applied to employment services for people with mental illness, traumatic brain injuries and/or physical disabilities.

For more information click here....<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=ywyc6ecab&et=1103909425386&s=12&e=001mjZsh8hTSgQ7HlyOU5YmJA4Q7UBnyznzb8N8_up65E1JneAX86U-Wqg_7T3AFDZ-odfxAKEp6t7yYu6CTOAl-wv7KxmIDvoozr7i7MBpfHJoNfkCy7e1etT1foT2ib5wLjyInAqswp8ykVUJaBY7F-_ZQBLjXhDU>

Two ways to access this excellent training!

The Portland class consists of a two-day face-to-face session, followed by a four week distance education session.  The distance education session will be largely asynchronous; that is, participants will be able to complete course work on the Internet at any time of day that is convenient to them with the exception of weekly conference calls.  Maximum enrollment is 20 participants.

The Seattle class will be offered in a traditional face-to-face format, with a maximum enrollment of 30 people. A limited number of travel support stipends are available for participants from AK, OR, WA, or ID community rehabilitation programs or IL centers who must travel more than 50 miles to the training site. (Stipend reimbursement is contingent on attendance and the completion of homework assignments.)

For More information about course content:

Laurie Ford or John Dineen (888) 377-0100
e-mail - lhf4 at u.washington.edu<mailto:lhf4 at u.washington.edu> or dineej at u.washington.edu<mailto:dineej at u.washington.edu>

For questions about registration, please contact:
Tammi Olson
e-mail - tammio at u.washington.edu<mailto:tammio at u.washington.edu>  - (425) 774-4446

Center for Continuing Education in Rehabilitation
University of Washington
6912 220th Street SW, Suite 105
Mountlake Terrace, Washington 98043
Contact tammio at u.washington.edu<mailto:tammio at u.washington.edu>  for more information or to register
425-774-4446  TTY: 425-771-7438

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