[nfbwatlk] Seattle disabilities commission Recruiting Candidates
Nightingale, Noel
Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Tue Apr 3 23:30:23 UTC 2012
I have been asked to distribute the below.
-----Original Message-----
From: Seattle Commission for People with Disabilities [mailto:DISABILITY at TALK2.SEATTLE.GOV] On Behalf Of Yearwood-Murrell, Felicia
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012 2:00 PM
Subject: [DISABILITY] Recruiting Candidates
Please distribute this invitation broadly
People with Disabilities Commission seeks new Members
The Seattle Commission for People with disAbilities is a sixteen-member body of sincere and energetic volunteers who use their collective capabilities to demonstrably improve the City of Seattle.
To create an inclusive Seattle by confronting barriers, raising awareness, and bridging communities.
* Advise the Mayor, City Council, and city departments on ways to improve access to city resources
* Facilitate consumption of city services and improve opportunities for participation in civic life for people with disabilities
* Encourage understanding between and among the disability community and the larger Seattle community
* Advocate on behalf of people with disabilities in the larger Seattle community
* Provide technical and policy guidance on issues of disability and accessibility
Commissioners are expected to devote at minimum ten hours per month to Commission work, including monthly Commission meetings and active participation in at least one Committee. Applicants are encouraged to attend a Commission meeting to see how the Commission works and to meet the Commissioners. For more information, see the website: www.seattle.gov/disability <http://www.seattle.gov/disability>
The Commission reflects the diversity of Seattle's disability community and is committed to being a model of inclusion. To meet that goal, we strive to use the principals of universal design to inform our policies, practices, and procedures.
To apply, send an application, resume, and cover letter to Felicia Yearwood by April 26, 2012.
By Email: felicia.yearwood at seattle.gov <mailto:felicia.yearwood at seattle.gov> or
By Fax: (206) 684-0332 or
By mail: Felicia Yearwood
Seattle Commission for People with disAbilities
810 Third Avenue, Suite 750
Seattle, WA 98104-1627
This document is available in alternative formats, call (206) 684-4537
Felicia Yearwood
Seattle Commission for People with Disabilities <http://www.seattle.gov/disability/>
Seattle Human Rights Commission <http://www.seattle.gov/humanrights/>
810 Third Avenue, Suite 750
Seattle, WA 98104-1627
(206) 684-4537
felicia.yearwood at seattle.gov
"I am not interested in picking up crumbs of compassion thrown from the table of someone who considers himself my master. I want the full menu of rights." Bishop Desmond Tutu
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