[nfbwatlk] FW: Fwd: BlindHow.com $100 iTunes Incentive

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Sun Feb 19 14:08:38 UTC 2012

From: nfbnet-members-list-bounces at nfbnet.org
[mailto:nfbnet-members-list-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of David Andrews
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 8:52 PM
To: nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Nfbnet-members-list] Fwd: BlindHow.com $100 iTunes Incentive


Last year The NFB of Utah launched a new website, BlindHow.com. This sight
has been up for more than six months during which time we have received over
500 posts with over 160 comments from over 370 members. Thank you to each of
you that have contributed to BlindHow.com. We have had an extremely
successful six plus months and look forward to the continued success in the
upcoming months and years. Whether you have submitted content, made
comments, asked questions, or even just used the website to obtain
information, we thank you.
On March 1, 2012, BlindHow.com will be implementing an exciting incentive
program! The purpose? We want you to visit, sign up, test drive, make
comments, rank content, and become a contributor by submitting articles,
videos and audio files. There are thousands of resources available on the
web, but they are scattered and they take valuable time to find and sift
through. We encourage you to submit content from the web that you have found
enlightening, positive, and/or helpful. We also welcome original articles,
videos, or audio tutorials. We want and welcome both!
How the contest works:
This contest will be a drawing, so anyone who participates has a chance to
win. Every time you post original content to the website, we enter your name
into the drawing 7 times. Every time you post information from another
source, we enter your name into the drawing 3 times. Every time you make a
comment on someone else's post, we enter your name into the drawing 1 time.
The contest will go from March 1, 2012 to April 15, 2012. Please email
admin at blindhow.com to report any content you post or comments you make on
BlindHow.com as this will be the only method used to track participation in
the contest.
If you haven't visited us, please check out BlindHow.com and see what it is
all about. BlindHow.com allows for community members to view and share
video, audio, or written tutorials and information on a myriad of topics
regarding blindness and visual impairment.
Topics could include things like, "How do you use an iPhone with voiceover?"
"This is how I put on makeup every day: how do you?" "How do you mow your
lawn?" "This is how I downhill ski."
If you can't find the answer you are looking for, then we want you to ask!
If you have something to share, then become a contributor today! We know
that there are many different ways to do one thing. For example, I may iron
my shirt one way and you another. Knowledge is power and sharing is caring!
You can make a difference.
Our primary goal is to create a positive environment where community members
are willing to ask thoughtful questions and share knowledge related to
blindness and visual impairment that will improve lives, encourage
independence, and increase self-confidence. 
To all, best of wishes.
Warmest regards,
The BlindHow Team
P.S. Please remember to let us know of any way we can improve your
experience on BlindHow.com. We take your feedback seriously and have already
made several improvements as a result of the feedback we have received. As
always, we look forward to your continued support and website participation.
Check out the website at BlindHow.com today and click on the $100 iTunes
incentive link for more information and sign up today! For additional
questions, suggestions, or input, please email admin at blindhow.com.

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