[nfbwatlk] FW: [Blindtlk] Malaysian Exchange Student

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Thu Dec 19 22:00:39 UTC 2013

-----Original Message-----
From: blindtlk [mailto:blindtlk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 11:27 AM
To: david.andrews at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Blindtlk] Malaysian Exchange Student

>Hi David,
>I hope you can help me with some info about your NFB group and whether 
>you might be able to help us to find a home for an exchange student, 
>who is hoping to come to the USA on a Dept of State scholarship in Jan 
>and stay through June. We have been searching unsuccessfully since Oct 
>to find her a host family in a place where the school will accept her. 
>This is made more difficult by the fact that she is blind. Although the 
>school will be reimbursed for any extra cost the schools unfortunately 
>are allowed to turn down students on J-1 visa's. I'm hoping that you 
>might know of schools, anywhere in the country, that would welcome an 
>international student that is blind and maybe a family that has a blind 
>student of their own willing to enrich their lives by hosting her. We 
>have tried and have run out of ideas for finding her a family and I 
>found your website and thought maybe, just maybe, you could help us 
>spread the word and find this girl a spot. Since schools will be closed 
>for hte holidays very soon and she arrives in very early Jan. time is 
>of the essence.
>Thanks for any help you might offer and I'm sorry I didn't try 
>searching support for the blind sooner.
>I attached some info on her that you ca forward and I copied the staff 
>of AFS who are also working on this. The website below has info about 
>AFS Intercultural programs and what we do.
>Robbin Lang
>AFS Northern Illinois Team
>Volunteer Hosting Coordinator
>630-879-3851 Home 630-346-4320 cell
>robbinlang at ameritech.net
>Meet More Students by entering your zip code: 
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