[nfbwatlk] Fw: [MAYORMCGINN] The Reader - Connecting neighborhoods with rail

Jacob Struiksma lawnmower84 at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 4 14:02:51 UTC 2013

      THE READER - Connecting neighborhoods with rail
      From the Office of Mayor Mike McGinn
      News, Updates, and Information

      WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013

      Sound Transit Long Range Plan Update
      Seattle’s Transit Master Plan has been guiding the work at the City 
level to invest in high capacity transit – transit that is frequent, 
reliable, and serves a high number of passengers.

      Mayor McGinn has worked to accelerate planning for each high 
capacity route identified in the plan. Additionally, he advocated for 
partnering with Sound Transit to accelerate study of the Downtown to 
Ballard rail corridor, which got underway at the end of 2012.

      Sound Transit is now in the process of updating their Long Range 
Plan, and asking the community, “Where should regional high-capacity 
transit services go next”? A transit package based on options in the 
updated Long Range Plan could go to voters as early as 2016.

      Long range plan corridor studies that are underway include Downtown 
to Ballard, as mentioned above, Ballard to the University District and 
beyond, and Downtown to West Seattle and beyond. To support these 
corridors, or other corridors in Seattle, you can participate through 
November 25 in any of the following ways:

        a.. Attend a public meeting Tuesday, Nov. 12, 5:30-8 p.m. Seattle 
University Campion Ballroom, 914 E. Jefferson St. or Thursday, Nov. 21, 
11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Union Station, 401 S. Jackson St.
        b.. Complete a survey at soundtransit.org/LongRangePlan
        c.. Email: LongRangePlan at soundtransit.org
        d.. Mail: Sound Transit, Attn: James Irish, 401 S. Jackson St., 
Seattle, WA 98104
      Read more about each rail or high capacity route in the city, 
including corridors that are existing, under construction, or in design 
and planning.


      Neighbors for Road Safety
      Mayor McGinn announced a new “Neighbors for Road Safety” program, 
which mobilizes Seattle residents to help raise awareness of road safety 
issues in their communities. Participants who sign up to be a Neighbor for 
Road Safety will have several resources available to them: educational 
materials; hard data on neighborhood-specific road safety issues; a 
neighborhood-specific presentation; a Be Super Safe comic addressing the 
most common causes for collisions; monthly communications about road 
safety issues; information on projects happening in peoples’ 
neighborhoods – including projects that are new facilities people might 
not be familiar with; and direct access to SDOT’s Community Traffic 
Liaison to develop strategies to address local needs.

      Neighbors for Road Safety was launched as a pilot project earlier 
this year in South Lake Union. Neighbors there have learned about 
collisions in their neighborhood, the circumstances that contribute to 
crashes, and have worked to identify safety improvements for people 
walking and biking along Denny Way. SDOT is in progress on installing 
those crossing improvements.

      “We hear from neighbors all the time that they want their streets to 
be safer,” said Mayor McGinn. “By working with neighbors throughout 
Seattle and equipping them with expert knowledge of road safety issues, 
rules of the road, and projects in their neighborhood, we hope to increase 
road safety throughout the city.”

      “Whether you are a driver like I am, take, the bus, or streetcar, 
ride a bike, or walk, it’s important that people understand how to look 
out for each other,” said Mike McQuaid, president of the South Lake Union 
Community Council. “This program will help us all be more safe.”


      Safety Patrol sworn in
      Last week Mayor McGinn visited the Spruce Street School in the Denny 
Triangle neighborhood to swear in the newest members of the Safety 
Patrol – the students who help others cross safely in and around the 
school. These students pledge to prevent crashes and to lead by example as 
they look out for each other on streets near their school. After the 22 
new members of the Safety Patrol were sworn in, students had the chance to 
ask the mayor questions. “Is your job hard?” “Do you get to work with the 
President?” “What do you do with your free time?” were some of the great 
questions asked.

      Road safety near schools is one of our top priorities; earlier this 
year we launched the School Road Safety Initiative, which aims to increase 
safety through a combination of education, street improvements, 
encouragement, enforcement, and more.


      Seattle Parks Legacy Plan public hearing
      The Parks Legacy Citizens Advisory Committee (PLPCAC), appointed to 
consider Seattle Parks and Recreation’s future funding options, invites 
the community to a public hearing on Thursday, November 7, 2013 starting 
at 6 p.m. at Miller Community Center, 330 19th Avenue East.

      There are 37 Investment Initiatives (funding recommendations) that 
are proposed for inclusion in a future park funding ballot measure. An 
initial prioritization of the 37 proposed initiatives has occurred within 
three subcommittees: Existing Programs and Services, New Programs and 
Services and Partnerships. The newly prioritized list will be available on 
the Legacy website on Friday, November 1st.


      Upcoming events (for more see 
      Oct 30, 5:30 p.m. - University of Washington Divestment Forum, 
Miller Hall, room 301

      Nov 5, 11:00 a.m. - Arts & Social Change Visioning Summit, Langston 
Hughes Performing Arts Center (104 17th Ave S)

      Nov 6, 5:30 p.m. - 23rd Ave Corridor Neighborhood Greenway Open 
House, Nova High School Auditorium (300 20th Ave E)

      Nov 7, 6:00 p.m. - Parks Legacy Plan Citizens Advisory Committee 
Meeting, Miller Community Center (330 19th Ave E)


      What we're reading:
      Former Irish President, Climate Justice Advocate Mary Robinson Urges 
Divestment of Fossil Fuel Firms

      My Main Street signs: a barometer of the local economy

      How Seattle Transformed Parking Without Spending a Fortune

      Study: Seattle is top Twitter trendsetter in the U.S.


      Recent blog posts:
      Celebrating Food Day

      Gun Free Zone reaches goal of 100 businesses recruited


      Upcoming Outreach Events - Blog - Facebook - Twitter - Flickr

      Be Super Safe - Center City - Engage Seattle - Jobs Plan - Nightlife

      Safe Communities - SeaFi - SPD 20/20 - Walk Bike Ride - Youth and 

      Office of the Mayor
      City of Seattle


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