[nfbwatlk] Celebrating our [DSB's] customers' successes!

Nightingale, Noel Noel.Nightingale at ed.gov
Thu Nov 19 16:40:32 UTC 2015

-----Original Message-----
From: Durand, LouOma (DSB) [mailto:louoma.durand at dsb.wa.gov]
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2015 2:51 PM
To: 'Doug Trimble,' <doug.trimble at hotmail.com>; Turner, Sheila <sheila at edithbishelcenter.org>; 'Gloria Walling,' <glwerstein at juno.com>; Theriault, Angela <angeladtheriault at gmail.com>; Stark, Brent <brents at ncesd.org>; Carrothers, Carol <carolc at cwu.edu>; Camarata, Christy <camaratc at cwu.edu>; Van Winkle, Cindy <cindy.vw at gmail.com>; Miller, Danielle <danielle.miller at sos.wa.gov>; Stenehjem, Dean <dean.stenehjem at wssb.wa.gov>; Colley, Denise <dmc0124 at comcast.net>; Walt, Dorothy <nwhknc at juno.com>; Fournier, Irene <ifournier at psesd.org>; Brummel, Jack <jbrummel at washingtonaccessfund.org>; Messer, Jackie <jackiem at ncesd.org>; Donnellan, Jane <jane.donnellan at vr.idaho.gov>; Kurz, Janet <janet.kurz at wssb.wa.gov>; Johnson, K <kjohnson at uw.edu>; Madsen, Kami (ESD) <KMadsen at ESD.WA.GOV>; Humes, Katie <khumes at psesd.org>; The Lighthouse for the Blind <kadams at seattlelh.org>; 'Laurie Ford,' <lhf4 at uw.edu>; O'Brien, Mikaela <mobrien at psesd.org>; Freeman, Mike <k7uij at panix.com>; Nightingale, Noel <nnightingale at earthlink.net>; Dziedzic, Paul <pdz at uw.edu>; Hoffman, Paula <phoffman at seattlelh.org>; Cinney, Diane M (DSHS/ODHH) <cinnedm at dshs.wa.gov>; Ott, Robert <pilsung at comcast.net>; 'Cheryl Martin,'
<cherylm at lilafoundation.org>; Martsolf, Shannon Grady <director at sightconnection.org>
Subject: Celebrating our customers' successes!

Hello DSB team, partners and friends:

Fall is the time when we look back at the year and celebrate the successes of all of our customers who completed their Vocational Rehabilitation programs and went to work in, or kept, good jobs.  This year 169 individuals are now employed in competitive jobs with benefits.  Three others gained independence as homemakers in order to free up a family member to go to work, for a total of 172 successes.  This is not just about numbers, but about each person who is able to take charge of their life, support their family, pay taxes, and give back to their community.

I encourage you to open the attached list of jobs and employers to enjoy this year's specific successes.  (Also posted on our web site
www.dsb.wa.gov<http://www.dsb.wa.gov>.)  The list is always exciting because it illustrates in what an unlimited range of professions individuals who are blind or visually impaired succeed.  It also shows the wide variety of employers who benefit from qualified employees who are blind or visually impaired.

It is interesting that out of this year's 172, three (3) are self-employment/ small business start-ups.  Ninety-five (95) are new employment outcomes.  Sixty-eight (68) are individuals who were able to the gain the skills, assistive technology, and confidence needed to keep their jobs.  This includes two individuals, age 84, who now work competitively as an electrical engineer and an installation helper.

Bravo to our successful DSB customers and to all of you for your important work!

Thank you,
Lou Oma

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