[nfbwatlk] {Disarmed} FW: [Wcb-l] FW: [leadership] Spread the News! "A New Informative "Live Ballot" App Provides Accessibility

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Thu Oct 27 00:26:43 UTC 2016

From: Wcb-l [mailto:wcb-l-bounces at wcbinfo.org] On Behalf Of Steve Fiksdal
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 3:08 PM
To: wcb-l at wcbinfo.org
Subject: [Wcb-l] FW: [leadership] Spread the News! "A New Informative "Live Ballot" App Provides Accessibility



Hello All,
Democracy Live has recently developed and released the Free "Live Ballot" App to ensure equal access to voter information. The App provides accessibility features for individuals who are blind or visually impaired to easily access the sample ballot prior to going to the Polls, which contains national, county and local level candidates seeking office, with extensions to their Biography, contact information and details regarding their platform. The current App has been developed  for the iPhone and iPad. The Android App will be forthcoming. Democracy Live is seeking input on recommendations for accessibility enhancements. After downloading the "Live Ballot" App from the App Store, consider sending comments and recommendations to feedback at democracylive.com. Remember to spread the news.


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