Ed McDonald ed at eioproductions.com
Wed Jul 13 19:17:09 UTC 2011

Dear Fellow Federationists:

As chairman of the NFBWV judiciary committee, I am writing in advance of our 
upcoming 2011 state convention to let you know that several amendments to 
the Constitution of the National Federation of the Blind of West Virginia 
will be brought before the assembly for consideration and action.

ARTICLE XVI of the NFBWV constitution requires that proposed constitutional 
amendments first be "submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at least 
sixty days prior to the annual convention." In accordance with this 
provision, these proposed amendments were brought before the Board during 
its meeting in Bridgeport in March, 2011.  ARTICLE XVI further provides that 
the Constitution may be amended during the annual state convention "by an 
affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active members present and voting." 
The Board recommends that the proposed amendments be adopted.

These proposed amendments would, in summary, accomplish four things:

(1) add a seat on the Board of Directors for an elected representative from 
each division of the affiliate;

(2) set the quorum for any meeting of the Board of Directors at two-thirds 
of the members of the Board;

(3) add electronic mail (E-mail) as a means by which the Board of Directors 
may be polled for a vote on any question; and

(4) change the name of the "agency relations" committee to "agency 
partnership" committee.

ARTICLE VII of the Constitution contains provisions for the composition and 
function of the Board of Directors.  The Board currently consists of the 
five elected officers, plus an elected representative from each chapter of 
the affiliate.  The proposed amended language would add to the chapter 
representatives a representative from each division.  If this provision is 
adopted, it would require several subsequent changes in constitutional 
language wherever there is a reference to "chapter representatives" on the 
Board.  Such references relate to the election and terms of "chapter 
representatives" and their alternates as well as to provisions in ARTICLE IX 
concerning the composition of the nominating committee.

The National Federation of the Blind of West Virginia currently consists of 
five chapters and two divisions.  Each of the five chapters currently elects 
a representative to the Board of Directors.  These five representatives, 
along with the five elected officers, comprise the Board of Directors 
consisting of ten members.

The two divisions are the National Association To Promote the Use of Braille 
of West Virginia and the West Virginia Association of Blind Students.  If 
adopted, these proposed constitutional changes would require that each of 
these divisions elect a representative to the Board, thus increasing the 
size of the Board of Directors from ten to twelve persons.

ARTICLE VII currently provides that, "At least nine (9) members of the Board 
must be present at any meeting to constitute a quorum to transact business." 
The proposed amended language would change this provision to state that, "At 
least two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Board must be present at any 
meeting to constitute a quorum to transact business."

The subsequent sentence of ARTICLE VII further provides that "The Board may 
be polled by telephone or mail ballot on any question." The proposed amended 
language would add the words "or electronic mail" to this provision.

ARTICLE IX deals with the appointment and function of committees.  The list 
of standing committees includes an agency relations committee.  The proposed 
amended language would change the name of this committee to "agency 

ARTICLE IX also provides that, "The nominating committee shall consist of 
those persons who have been duly elected to represent each chapter on the 
Board of Directors." The proposed amended language would add the words "or 
division" to this provision as well, so that both chapter and division 
representatives would serve on the nominating committee.

Below is the full text of articles VII and IX, the two articles which would 
be affected by the proposed amendments.  This text incorporates all of the 
proposed changes, and all of the "new" language is enclosed in brackets.

As  mentioned earlier, adoption of these proposed amendments requires an 
affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active members present and voting 
during the upcoming annual convention.

I am distributing this information in advance in the hope that all of you 
will have an opportunity to review it prior to the convention.  I understand 
that most but not all of our members subscribe to this email list. 
Therefore, I trust that all chapter presidents will make certain that any 
members who are not on the list have access to this information in a timely 

If anyone wishes a hard copy of this message in print or in Braille, please 
let me know, and I will provide it.  Also, please do not hesitate to contact 
me by phone or email if you have questions concerning any of these 
proposals.  My contact information appears below.


Ed McDonald
151 S. Mineral Street
Keyser, WV 26726

ed at eioproductions.com

* * * * * * * *


The Board of Directors of this organization shall consist of the five (5) 
constitutional officers and one (1) additional member representing each 
chapter [and division].  Prior to the annual state convention in odd 
numbered years, each chapter [and division] shall elect one of its active 
members to represent the chapter [or division] on the Board of Directors. 
At the same time, each chapter [and division] shall also elect an alternate 
representative to serve in the absence of its duly elected Board member. 
The terms of chapter [and division] representatives on the Board of 
Directors shall be two years in length and shall begin at the close of the 
state convention in odd numbered years.  A majority of the Board must be 
legally blind.

The Board shall meet at the call of the President or on written call signed 
by any four (4) of the Board members.  The Board shall advise the President 
and shall have charge of the affairs of the organization between 
conventions.  At least [two-thirds (2/3)] of the members of the Board must 
be present at any meeting to constitute a quorum to transact business.  The 
Board may be polled by telephone, mail, [or electronic mail] ballot on any 


The President shall appoint such committees as he/she or the organization 
deems necessary.  The President shall be ex officio a member of all such 
committees.  Standing committees of the organization shall include an agency 
[partnership] committee, budget and finance committee, judiciary committee, 
legislative committee, nominating committee, and resolutions committee.  The 
nominating committee shall consist of those persons who have been duly 
elected to represent each chapter [and division] on the Board of Directors. 
No elected officer of the National Federation of the Blind of West Virginia 
shall serve on the nominating committee.  The president shall select one of 
the appointed chapter [or division] representatives to chair the nominating 

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