[Nfbwv-talk] Convention Agenda 2014 NFBWV Convention Agenda

Sheri Koch slk5111 at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 7 17:07:14 UTC 2014

Is this what's on the Federation most of the ward plaque? That's what I need

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 5, 2014, at 2:54 PM, "Smyth, Charlene R via Nfbwv-talk" <nfbwv-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Greetings Fellow Federationists,
> Please find attached as well as shown below the agenda for the 2014 convention of the National Federation of the Blind of West Virginia.
> I look forward to spending time with my Federation family as we work together to make it possible for blind West Virginians to "live the life they want".
> Charlene
> September 11-14, 2014
> 100 Lodgeville Road
> Bridgeport, WV  26330
> (304) 842-5411
> "Living the Life You Want"
> Welcome to the sixty-first Annual Convention of the National Federation of the Blind of West Virginia (NFBWV).
> National Representative: James R. Gashel
> P.O. Box 9629
> Avon, Colorado  81620
> Phone: (720) 878-4248
> E-Mail:  jgashel at comcast.net
> President, NFB of West Virginia: Charlene Smyth
> 401 East Olive Street
> Apartment 1-A
> Bridgeport, West Virginia 26330
> Phone: (304) 841-1111
> E-Mail: president at nfbwv.org<mailto:president at nfbwv.org>
> First Vice-President, NFB of West Virginia:  Ed McDonald
> 151 S. Mineral Street
> Keyser, WV 26726
> PHONE:  304-788-0129
> CELL:  304-790-9069
> E-MAIL:  ed at eioproductions.com
> Second Vice-President, NFB of West Virginia:  Sheri Koch
> 833 Chappell Road
> Charleston, WV  25304
> CELL:  304-993-5103
> E-MAIL:  slk5111 at hotmail.com<mailto:slk5111 at hotmail.com>
> Secretary, NFB of West Virginia:  Karen McDonald
> 151 S. Mineral Street
> Keyser, WV  26726
> PHONE:  304-788-0129
> CELL:  304-790-9069
> E-MAIL:  karen at eioproductions.com
> Treasurer, NFB of West Virginia:  Marcus Soulsby
> 5309 Venable Avenue
> Charleston, WV  25304
> CELL:  304-206-4044
> E-MAIL:  msoulsby at nfbwv.org
>        President Smyth would like to thank all chapters and their members for working so diligently to make this year's convention a success.
>        To the staff of the Best Western Bridgeport Inn, "Thank you for your help with convention arrangements."
>        Thank you also to others, whose names may have been inadvertently omitted, for their hard work.
>        Financial and logistical support for the 2013 NFBWV Convention was provided by the following businesses, organizations, and individuals:
> "Working to Safely Produce a Brighter Energy Future"
> Antero Resources Corporation
> 535 White Oaks Boulevard
> Bridgeport, WV  26330
> (304) 842-4100
> Glades Building Supply
> Ace Hardware
> Marlinton, WV
> (304) 799-4912
> "Everything for the home builder."
> EIO Productions
> Keyser, West Virginia
> Presenting "Sidetracks"--Music with roots in tradition, branches into the future.
> Sundays at 8:00 PM on West Virginia Public Radio
>        This year's hotel guest room rates are $85 per night for up to four persons per room.  Check in at the Best Western Bridgeport Inn begins at 3:00 p.m.  Check out time is at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 14.
>        Guest rooms at the Best Western are located on two floors and there is now an elevator.  The facility includes the Simmering Pot Family Restaurant and Lounge.  The restaurant is open for breakfast from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday.  Dinner is available from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.  (Please be aware that the restaurant is closed for lunch.)  Room service is also available by dialing 520.
>        When entering the main lobby of the hotel, you are facing east.  The check-in desk is situated along the left-hand (north) side of the lobby.  There is a seating area across from the check-in desk on the right-hand (south) side of the lobby.  The convention registration desk will be located just beyond the check-in desk, across the lobby on the right-hand (South) side.
>        Along the right-hand (south) side, near the east end of the lobby, is the entrance to the Simmering Pot Family Restaurant.  Just inside this entrance, the dining room and the lounge open on the right.  The Imperial Room-the room which will be used for most convention activities--opens on the left.  (Those who have attended past conventions at this hotel may recall that the Imperial Room was formerly the restaurant.)
>        The entrance to the large ballroom area, the Coal and West Virginia Rooms, is found on the east end of the lobby, opposite the main entrance.  The West Virginia Room will be used on Friday afternoon for chapter and committee meetings.
>        On the north wall at the east end of the lobby is an opening which leads into a north-south corridor.  Restrooms are located along the left-hand side of this corridor, and public telephones are on the right.  A hotel house phone is located to the left of the bank of pay phones.  Pick up the handset and the hotel operator will assist you.
>        After passing the phones, the first corridor branching to the right (east) is a rather long and winding hallway which leads to sleeping rooms.  Continuing north down the north-south hallway, there are three vending machines on the right.  A snack machine is in the middle with a Coke machine on either side.  The elevator is slightly beyond these machines on the opposite side of the corridor.
>        The north-south corridor eventually ends at en exit.  At this point, turning right (east) leads into the first corridor of guest rooms which begin with 101 on the left and 102 on the right.  A room number in Braille can be found on the wall next to each door.  This east-west corridor ends with room 145 on the left and 148 on the right.  The next door past room 138 opens into a room that contains an ice machine.
>        At this point, a right-hand (south) turn leads into another corridor of guest rooms which begins with 149 on the left and 150 on the right.  The guest room corridors surround a courtyard which includes the pool.  (The weather in September will determine whether the pool will be open for guests.)
> Thursday, September 11, 2014
> 6:00 PM:  NFBWV BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING:  This meeting is open to all convention attendees--Charlene Smyth, President; Imperial Room
> * NOMINATING COMMITTEE MEETING--Andy Baughman, Chairperson; Location to be announced.
> FRIDAY, September 12, 2014
> 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM: BREAKFAST--Imperial Room This breakfast is only for those who made prior reservations for it by contacting Bre Brown.
> 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM: GET YOUR HANDS ON IT:  NFBWV TECHNOLOGY EXPO AND WORKSHOP --Brad Hodges, Coordinator; Imperial Room
> 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM:  EARLY BIRD BREAKFAST TECHNOLOGY BRIEFING-- Bring your Continental Breakfast to the Technology Expo Room and receive an overview of the technology presentations scheduled for the morning.
> Station 1:  iOs Introduction
> Host, Joe Regnier
> Offering
> Turning VoiceOver (VO) on
> Swiping Left and Right to navigate the Home Screen
> Double Tap to Activate an Item
> Listening for prompts
> Trying "Weather"
> Trying "Sky.fm"
> Station 2:  iOS Advanced
> Host, Richard Campbell
> Offering
> Skype and other voice communications
> Seeing Eye GPS
> Interactive Games, Dice With Friends and more
> Station 3:  Library Commission
> Hosts, Shawn Lemieux and Mary Hogue
> Offering
> Bard Mobile
> Bard web site and book management
> BookShare web site and book management
> Voice DreamReader for iOS
> Answering Individual Questions
> Station 4:  Windows 1
> Host, Brad Hodges
> Offering
> 9:00 Basics of Thunderbird
> 10:00 Jarte Editor
> 11:00 Twitter using The Qube
> Station 5:  Windows 2
> Host, Marc Solomon
> Offering
> 9:00 Untangling the Microsoft Ribbon
> 10:00 File management in Windows 8.1, Bard file as an example
> 11:00 Window-Eyes settings and Apps
> Station 6:  Every Day Technology
> Host, Sheri Koch
> Offering
> Time Keeping
> Recording technology, appointments and phone numbers
> Marking Appliances
> Station 7:  West Virginia Assistive Technology System
> Host, Carmen Fullmer
> Offering
> Demonstration of Low-Tech Items from the WVATS Lending Library
> Station 8:  K-NFB Reading Technology, Inc.
> Host, James Gashel
> Offering
> Demonstration of the New K-NFB Reader App
> 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: BOXED LUNCH--Imperial Room This lunch is only for those who made prior reservations for it by contacting Bre Brown.  If you are not attending the luncheon meeting, you will need to pick up your boxed lunch and take it to your sleeping room or the lobby to eat it.
> 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM:  LUNCH AND LEARN PROGRAM--Brad Hodges, Moderator; Topic, Free and Low cost Access, an Embarrassment of Riches for Those in the Know; Keynote Speaker, Marc Solomon; Imperial Room
> 1:30 - 4:30 PM:  REGISTRATION; There will be a table at the south-east end of the lobby across from the hotel's check-in desk.  (The convention registration fee is $10.00 per person, which covers admission to all convention sessions including the Friday night reception.  The convention banquet fee is $25.00 per person.)
> 1:30 - 3:00 PM:  WVNAPUB DIVISION MEETING:  "This meeting will include an introduction to and discussion of the new Unified English Braille (UEB) code."--Karen McDonald, President; Imperial Room
> 3:00 - 4:00 PM:  RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE MEETING:  This is an open meeting and all are welcome and encouraged to attend--Ed McDonald, Chairman; Imperial Room.  Members are Sheri Koch, Karen McDonald, and Mary Ann Saunders.
> 6:00 - 7:30 PM:  RECEPTION-- Sponsored by the Kanawha Valley chapter; Imperial Room.  This includes a full dinner buffet.
> 7:30 - 11:00 PM:  MEMBERS AUCTION and SOCIAL TIME--Sheri Koch, Coordinator; Rick Richmond of the Members at Large Chapter and Jack Yahnke of the Sightless Workers' Guild, Auctioneers; Imperial Room
> SATURDAY, September 13, 2014
> 8:00 AM - 9:00AM: BREAKFAST--Imperial Room This breakfast is only for those who made prior reservations for it by contacting Bre Brown.
> 8:00-8:45 AM:  REGISTRATION (See NFBWV Treasurer Marcus Soulsby)
> 9:00 AM:  GENERAL SESSION; Imperial Room
> * CALL TO ORDER--Charlene Smyth, President, NFBWV
> * INVOCATION--Marcus Soulsby, NFBWV Treasurer
> * PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE--Sheri Koch, NFBWV Second Vice-President
> I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its constitution.
>   * ROLL CALL OF CHAPTERS--Charlene Smyth, President
> 9:40 AM:  NATIONAL REPORT--James Gashel, Secretary, National Federation of the Blind
> 10:25 AM:  PRESIDENT'S REPORT--Charlene Smyth, President, NFBWV
> 10:50 AM:  WEST VIRGINIA DIVISION OF REHABILITATION SERVICES UPDATE-Kevin L. Maynus, Program Supervisor, Blind Services; Charleston, West Virginia
> 11:10 AM:  REPORT FROM THE AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR THE BLIND TECH OF HUNTINGTON--Aaron Preece, National Technology Associate; and William Reuschel, Manager, Technical Solutions; Huntington, West Virginia
> 11:30 AM:  UPDATE ON SERVICES FOR THE BLIND, WV LIBRARY COMMISSION, AND NEWSLINE--Donna Calvert, Director of Special Services; Charleston, West Virginia
> 11:50 AM:  PAC PLAN--Marcus Soulsby, NFBWV PAC Plan Coordinator
> 11:58 AM:  SPLIT THE POT--Mary Grogg, Harrison County Chapter
> 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM: BOXED LUNCH--Imperial Room This lunch is only for those who made prior reservations for it by contacting Bre Brown.  If you are not attending the luncheon meeting, you will need to pick up your boxed lunch and take it to your sleeping room or the lobby to eat it.
> 12:00 - 2:00 PM:  MEMBERS AT LARGE CHAPTER MEETING--Ed McDonald, President; Imperial Room
> 2:00 PM:  GENERAL SESSION; Imperial Room
> 2:05 PM:  WEST VIRGINIA SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND UPDATE--Anita Adkins, Teacher; Romney, West Virginia
> 2:25 PM:  BRAILLE CHALLENGE, UPCOMING CHANGES IN BRAILLE INSTRUCTION, AND WVAER SUMMER CONFERENCE--Dr. Sheila Amato, Braille Consultant for the West Virginia School for the Blind, Coordinator and Test Developer for the WV Regional Braille Challenge, and Adjunct University Professor at West Virginia University; Terra Alta, West Virginia
> 2:45 PM:  WORKING A BELL PROGRAM--Bre Brown, Secretary, National Association of Blind Students; West Virginia/Texas
> 3:05 PM:  I CAN CONNECT-Charlene Smyth, NFBWV President
> 3:25 PM:  NFB LIVE-Bre Brown, Site Administrator, Moderator; West Virginia/Texas
> 3:40 PM:  K-NFB READER--James Gashel, Vice-President of Business Development at K-NFB Reading Technology, Inc.
> 4:00 PM:  75-DAYS OF ACTION--Charlene Smyth, President; James Gashel, National Federation of the Blind
>   4:25 PM:  SPLIT THE POT--Mary Grogg, Harrison County Chapter
> 4:30 PM:  RECESS
> 6:30 PM:  BANQUET--Ed McDonald, Master of Ceremonies; Imperial Room
> * INVOCATION--Patricia Walker, Huntington Area Chapter
> * INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS--Ed McDonald, NFBWV First Vice-President
> * AWARDS AND HONORS--Sheri Koch, Chairperson
> * FEDERATIONIST OF THE YEAR AWARD--Marcus Soulsby, 2010 Recipient
>   * KEYNOTE ADDRESS--James Gashel, NFB National Board Member
> * SPLIT THE POT--Mary Grogg, Harrison County Chapter
> 8:45-11:59 PM:  ENTERTAINMENT by Marvin Whiteman AND SOCIAL TIME--Sponsored by the Sightless Workers' Guild; Imperial Room
> SUNDAY, September 14, 2014
> 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM: BREAKFAST--Imperial Room This breakfast is only for those who made prior reservations for it by contacting Bre Brown.
> 8:30-9:00 AM:  MEMORIAL SERVICE--Mike Smith, Kanawha Valley Chapter; Music by Marvin Whiteman; Imperial Room
> 9:15 AM:  GENERAL SESSION; Imperial Room
> * CALL TO ORDER--Charlene Smyth, President; NFBWV
> * FINAL REMARKS-James Gashel, National Representative
> * PAC PLAN--Marcus Soulsby, NFBWV PAC Plan Coordinator
> * WVNAPUB REPORT--Karen McDonald, President
> * BRIEF FINANCIAL SUMMARY--Marcus Soulsby, NFBWV Treasurer
>   * SPLIT THE POT--Mary Grogg, Harrison County Chapter
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> <2014 NFBWV Convention Agenda.doc>
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