[Nfbwv-talk] Braille me recording

Dave Allen dave.blindsight at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 22:29:18 UTC 2018

Hi all!

I have had a working braille me for a week, so I thought I'd make a little
recording to describe it and demonstrate some of it's features.

Since I recorded it with Studio Recorder, admittedly I should have edited
it, but it is what it is.

This display is the product from India that won last year's Touch of Genius
prize. While I like the Orbit, I love the Braille me.

In case you wondered what this device is like, perhaps my recording will
tell you what you need to know.

Any comments are welcome.



David Allen, Director
Blind-Sight Limited
For computer training and support world-wide, equipment or braille
production please contact me through any of the following ways: 
Email: info at blind-sight.com
Telephone: 64-3-455-7694 (Home)
64-27-224-5489 (Mobile)
PO Box 9046
St Clair
Dunedin 9047

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