[NHLakesChapter] Actual minutes for July meeting... *sigh*

Andrew Harmon andrewjharmon at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 13:58:06 UTC 2021

*forehead desk* I accidentally forgot what I had on my clipboard...
Here's the actual chapter minutes:

Lakes Region Chapter meeting called to order at 10:39 AM
Tony lead the pledge of Allegiance, while Dave lead the NFB pledge.
Lillian provided an Invocation.
Deyna requested the NFB philosophy, which will be provided in the next meeting.
Upcoming events:
Tony mentioned the state convention will be September 25th via Zoom,
and that there will be no August meeting. The September meeting will
take place before the convention on 18th.
Stephanie O’Hurd will be leading a Family Feud event the 29th of July
for Future in Sight.
Tony wished a full recuperation for any who attended the National
Convention via Zoom the past week, and mentioned there will be an
Affiliate Chat night on August 8th via Zoom. The theme will be places
we’ve visited and the “Indelible marks they’ve left on us”.

Some discussion followed on legislation that is active in both the
state and the US Congress. The Accessible Technology and Affordability
Act was backed by Senator Shaheen, while Congressman Chris Pappaus is
asking for input regarding a proposed raise for Congress. Mr. Pappaus
is opposed as he believes Congress has not done enough to justify it
especially given the nation is still emerging from the Pandemic
emergency. Finally there was a heavy focus on voting rights at the
convention, and there is a new bill to help with voting rights for the
blind in NH. Tony recommended everyone reach out to their Congressmen
and Senators, though he also reminded us that they will be taking a
month-long break in August.

Deyna asked what bills are specifically being backed, and several
people mentioned the NFB main web site as well as Congress’s web site.
Deb Moore mentioned that both the House of Representatives and the
Senate have their own web sites.

On March 1, 2021 the Pedestrian Safety Act was finally implemented,
which requires all electric and “silent” vehicles must have a method
put into them to simulate traffic noises so as to better protect blind
and visually impaired travelers. It was also mentioned that during the
National convention Secretary of Transportation Pete Butijeg spoke and
the president of NAGDU asked him about a series of rules updates for
travel that had accidentally required that guide dogs could be forced
to travel under the plane or force users to purchase a second ticket.
This was a side-effect of measures taken to eliminate people trying to
take animals on and pretending they were service animals. Secretary
Butijeg said he would look into it and agreed this was a very bad

Some discussion followed regarding the Walk for Sight hosted by Future
in Sight. It will be held in August this year due to the pandemic, and
will be held partially virtually and partially in person. The
in-person portion will take place August 14th and the headquarters for
Future in Sight in Concord, NH. Anyone can participate as part of the
team or donate online, or they can donate through cash or checks. The
team is named NFB NH Equalizers, and Deb mentioned in the past there
was a $20 charge to walk for the team that covers the cost of various
events on the day of the walk including a lunch. Deyna mentioned to be
sure to say the team name on the memo lines for any checks written.
Andrew cautioned that if anyone wants to raise money on behalf of
others, the people at Future in Sight will count it as a donation by
the person sending in the money. Any donations made online will be
properly associated with whoever donates. Deb said there is a web
site, and that is how people can best donate online. Tony highly
recommended NAGDU help raise money, and reminded the chapter that the
affiliate only receives back half of the money raised if the team
receives at least $1,000. There was general assent that that should
not be too difficult.

Tony mentioned that National Convention will take place next in New
Orleans, Louisiana in 2022, and in Houston, Texas in 2023.
Unfortunately the affiliate cannot afford to provide a “dorm room” for
men and women as in the past; the affiliate is not able to afford to
support this due to the cost involved. Several people mentioned the
Jernigan Scholarship for first-time attendees, and the NFB web site
should have applications for both the scholarship if people are
interested in attending. The deadline is either in March or April
prior to the convention, and is detailed on the site.

Fred Fornier moved to adjourn, and Deb Moore seconded. The chapter
adjourned at 11:26 AM.


Again, let me know if I missed anything important and have a great day!

Andrew Harmon

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