[Nj-diabetes-division] Let me introduce myself - Kathy Rawa -akaChatty K...

KARmedtrans at aol.com KARmedtrans at aol.com
Sun Feb 27 00:34:26 UTC 2011

Good Evening Pat

So nice to hear from you.  I was as I stated at one point with just diet 
and exercise for 5 years.  Many things happened.  I was doing great 
maintaining my diabetes with Metformin and Amyral - but when I had to hospitalized for 
mistreatment at a cardiac facility -- the hospital changed the manner I 
took my medication and from that point my glucose levels are never maintained.  
I was getting A1c of 5.5 and fasting morning glucose levels of 70-90.

Today was such a beautiful day that my guide dog and I took a much needed 
walk. Since I worry about my glucose levels and possible necessity to be 
transported to the hospital via ambulance = I visited my local ambulance corp -- 
as far as the paramedic -- he saw no reason she could not ride with me -- 
unless they felt it was not safe for her to ride in the rig.

Then I visited the local fire department notifying them of me living alone 
-- visually impaired with a guide dog.  The chief will contact me with 
anything else they need and hopefully some sticker for the window.

Then we took some more of the weather by visiting the local police 
department.  You see it appears I am the only one police see walking with a guide 
dog and prior to that my seeing eye cane.  Well, many drivers seems to be 
aiming their vehicles at me or my dog and has brought many concerns.  Well, now 
referred to the officer in charge of traffic control.

So you see my desire to be physical fit has a reason to use it to the 
fullest.  I try to exercise as much as possible -- my past I was a personal 
Trainer and professional dancer. a Those were the days.

If I remember from the past doesn't Cedar Grove have a beautiful park.  I 
remember something I thought in that area from the late 1978.  That rainy and 
winder day was Friday.

Keep up the good work maintaining your diabetes.  Hopefully mine will get 
that way again. Keep in touch.      Chatty Kathy
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