[NJABS-Talk] Time Sensitive: An Urgent Message From Linda Melendez

Jonathan Zobek jrzobek at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 23:38:07 UTC 2021

From the desk of Linda Melendez, President NFBNJ Distributed by Jonathan Zobeck, President NFBNJ Student Division 

Greetings NFBNJ Student Division Members,

Hope this email finds everyone doing well and adjusting to in person classes.  I am concerned with the status of this division due to lack of membership participation, not meeting quorum and most recently the unavailability to fill the division slate of officers and board seats.

At the convention business meeting we were going to discuss having quarterly meetings beginning in 2022 in an attempt to restore membership engagement and having a quorum to conduct division business.

I was disappointed when an email was sent requesting members to vote on a motion to become a convention sponsor and a door prize and regrettably no one replied back except Jonathan.

It is because of this I am inclined to downgrade this division to a committee. To remain a division the following two steps will need to be taken prior to next week’s meeting.

The first step of action is for members to fill all five board positions. If these positions are not filled I will have no choice but to downgrade this division to a committee and we will not be able to try and save it with quarterly meetings.

The second step of action is for there to be enough membership engagement to conduct our division business.

Please reply back to all with your commitment to save this division by attending these meetings and call Jonathan Zobeck to fill open board seats. Failure to commit to attending meetings next year will result in becoming a committee.

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