[Njtechdiv] Fwd: great buys on braille products to list

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue Jun 26 23:00:09 UTC 2012

>From: Patrick Fischer <pfischer at accessibility.net>
>Good afternoon Dave,
>I have some great buys on some used demo braille products so can you 
>post this to the listserve?
>These are demo units being sold by Accessibility dot Net and so 
>these units were only used for demos.  They all are working and come 
>with the original documentation, cables and adaptors.
>40-cell Braille displays
>1          Freedom scientific focus Blue 40 (full warranty good 
>until October 2013)    $1500.00
>             Best buy as this is Bluetooth and USB and less than 40 
> hours on it.
>1          Freedom scientific Focus 40 braille 
>display                                                   $700.00
>Note takers with 32-cell braille displays:
>1          HIMS braille sense plus BT32 (Perkins 
>keyboard),                                       $1100.00
>1          HIMS braille sense plus QT32 (QWERTY 
>keyboard)                                    $900.00
>1          Braille note mPower 
>First come, first serve and so call 402-491-3191, or email me at 
><mailto:pfischer at accessibility.net>pfischer at accessibility.net  I 
>accept credit cards, PayPal and checks for payment
>Thank you Dave!
>Pat Fischer
>Corporate Office
>Accessibility dot Net, Inc.
>11110 Fort St., Suite 103
>Omaha, NE  68164
>Local: 402-491-3191
>Direct: 402-699-4357
>Toll Free: 866-539-4357
>Fax: 402-491-3221
>Web: <http://www.accessibility.net/>www.accessibility.net
>Technology Solutions for the Blind and Visually Impaired
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