[Njtechdiv] Fwd: announcing all-new iPad screen protectors with special NFB convention discounts!

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Thu Jun 28 16:01:14 UTC 2012

>SpeedDots would like to announce our new tactile screen protectors 
>for the iPad 2 and 3.  Since we were not able to get them ready in 
>time to showcase at the upcoming convention, we would like to offer 
>a convention special.
>Save 15% on all our products including the new iPad screen protector 
>by using coupon code NFB12 at checkout.
>Our press release is below:
>SpeedDots Announces a New Product Release: Tactile Screen protectors for iPad
>Sacramento, California
>June 28, 2012
>Building on the momentum and success of its tactile screen 
>protectors for iPhone and iPod Touch, SpeedDots, announces its 
>latest product: tactile screen protectors for iPad.
>With over 2,000 sold since the start of business in July of last 
>year, the California based company is excited to introduce this new product.
>As with its models for iPhone and iPod, the tactile screen 
>protectors for iPad use single dots to denote the location of 
>letters on the virtual keyboard along with other commonly used controls.
>Now, navigating a touch screen with the size and complexity of the 
>iPad can be quicker than ever before!
>The Tactile Screen Protector for iPad will work with all models of the device.
>The new screen protectors will be available immediately on the 
>company's web site, and available through product resellers in the 
>up-coming weeks.
>Visit SpeedDots.com and get yours today!

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