[Njtechdiv] Fwd: Announcing the release of version 3.0 of Sendero's iPhone GPS apps

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Thu Jun 15 02:16:53 UTC 2017

>Announcing the release of version 3.0 of Sendero's iPhone GPS apps:
>.         Seeing Eye GPS (subscription in North America),
>.         RNIB Navigator (subscription in the UK, Ireland, France and
>.         Guide Dogs NSW/ACT (subscription in Australia),
>.         Seeing Eye GPS XT (no subscription) - $100 off, limited time
>promotional price $199!
>Davis, CA
>June 14, 2017
>Thanks to continued underwriting from Guide Dogs NSW ACT Australia and a
>federal grant from the National Institute of Disability, Independent Living
>and Rehabilitation Research, we have major feature improvements in the
>Sendero version 3.0 iPhone GPS apps, including Waypoint Routes, new POI user
>interface and Uber compatibility!
>Warning: Before you install the update, share your user points of interest
>with your email; otherwise, they will be deleted from the app. You can then
>click on the attachment of the email on your phone to import them into the
>new version.
>What's New in Version 3.0
>1.      Added Waypoint Routes, similar to Manual "Breadcrumb" routes that
>are in our other Sendero GPS products.   All you have to do to create a
>Waypoint route is walk the route and the app will save points along the way.
>Waypoint routes are helpful when there are no street maps, as in a park or
>2.      Redesigned the Points of Interest user interface to make searching
>for POIs more streamlined.  You can now use the Nearby POI Shortcut Gesture
>(double tap, hold and release on the POIs Menu button) or go to the POI
>Search Screen to search for a specific POI or a POI category.    Unless you
>select a category, the search will be in All categories.
>3.      If a POI search finds no results, in addition to expanding or
>cancelling the search, you can now select switch POI source.  Your default
>POI Source will not change if you switch POI Sources for a POI search. You
>can set your default POI Source in General Settings.
>4.      Added indoor navigation support, Beacons button on the POI screen,
>as part of our current federal grant from the National Institute of
>Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research.  Beacon coverage
>is limited to a few locations in the US, UK, Germany and Turkey.  We will be
>working to expand this coverage over the course of the grant, so stay tuned!
>5.      Added Uber to Route type options.  The app will send your location
>and destination to Uber so that you can schedule an Uber ride.
>6.      Added an additional setting for the Shake sensitivity, you can now
>choose Hard, Medium or Off.
>Countries and regions available as of 2017:
>USA, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Canada, UK, France, Ireland, New Zealand,
>Australia, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey
>and Israel.
>As always, make the most of your phone's portable convenient functionality
>by using it in conjunction with Sendero Maps on the PC, on the Apex or on
>the Braille Sense to explore and familiarize yourself with an area. Find the
>iPhone apps in the App Store and the other Sendero products at
>There is no telephone technical support for Sendero iPhone apps so use the
>Frequently Asked Questions
>section to address most items. Send suggestions or questions not addressed
>by the FAQs
><http://senderogroup.com/products/SeeingEyeGPS/segpsfaq.html#support>  to
>iphone at senderogroup.com.
>There is a link to the updated version 3.0 Seeing Eye GPST manual from
>inside the program. You can find it at User Guide
>To purchase the Sendero iPhone GPS apps, go to iTunes, the subscription
>versions are free to download, but when you launch for the first time you
>will be prompted to select the one-month free trial or a subscription plan
>for either one-year or 30-day unless.  The non-subscription version, Seeing
>Eye GPS XT, requires a purchase before you download.
>This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
>Contact Sendero Group:
>Phone: 1-888-757-6810
>Change Subscription Status:
>Additionally, to unsubscribe send an email to 
>whysenderogps-request at freelists.org with "unsubscribe" in the Subject.

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