[Njtechdiv] assistance needed with a victor reader problem
Mario Brusco
mrb620 at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 14 15:14:02 UTC 2018
I would imagine Brian would be the person to ask, but you could try in
ascending degree of severity:
There are three types of resets. Use with caution.
The first and simplest, is to hold down the Power or On/Off button on
the stream with the stream off. Hold it down for about 15 or 20 seconds.
This will result in the Stream beeping twice, as if it is starting
twice. This is exactly what it is doing. The second time it starts, it
will have reset (I'd imagine with no loss of anything?).
The second way to reset the Stream is with the stream off, hold down the
Bookmark key, the number five key, and with these two buttons held down,
press and hold the On/Off or Power button on the Stream until the Stream
comes on. This is called a Profile Reset. This will result in the loss
of all bookmarks in any books you are reading.
The third type of reset is the most drastic. It is called a Factory
reset, and will result in all keys for BARD, Learning Ally, etc. being
removed from your Stream. In this reset, with the Stream off, press and
hold down the number two, six and eight keys until the stream comes on.
The Stream will come on, and you will have a menu from which to choose.
You will press the number two key until it says Factory reset. This is
the most drastic of the three types of resets.
I would imagine you would want to OK it. I myself haven't done any of
the 3 resets, but I have heard several say to have successfully used
these steps.
The OK key is the key to the right of the 0 key, also known as the or
the hash or confirm key.
-------- Original Message --------
From: Janie Degenshein via Njtechdiv [mailto:njtechdiv at nfbnet.org]
Sent: Saturday, Apr 14, 2018 7:55 AM EST
To: new jerseytechdiv
Cc: Janie Degenshein
Subject: [Njtechdiv] assistance needed with a victor reader problem
received this from tech div board member Annemarie Cooke.
Can anyone assist her?
thanks friends
-----Original Message-----
From: Annemarie Cooke
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2018 10:54 PM
To: Janie Degenshein
Subject: Re: Fw: Archive NFBNJ: Technology Division Minutes Monday, March 19
and Agenda Monday, April 16, 2018 at 8 PM
Hi there, my dear Tecchnology Diva! Wondering if you can post this
question in advance of Monday's meeting just in the off chance that
someone else has shared my experience.
Out of the blue,I have a weird problem with both of my Victor Stream
New Generation. On the keypad, both the pound key and the star key no
longer work. This means I cannot search for the Internet in a new
location nor select one I have used previously.
Has anyone else had this issue? I will call Humanware on Monday to
see what they can tell me.
Thanks in advance, dear Janie!
On 4/13/18, Janie Degenshein <jdegen16 at comcast.net> wrote:
Hey guys
Get outside this weekend and enjoy a beautiful Saturday and then you will
ready to share in our great technology division conference call this
night, April 16 at 8 PM
woo hoo
See you all then friends
From: joe ruffalo
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2018 9:23 PM
To: Jane Degenshein ; joe ruffalo ; ELLEN SULLIVAN ; Anna Kresmer ; Mary
Subject: Archive NFBNJ: Technology Division Minutes Monday, March 19 and
Agenda Monday, April 16, 2018 at 8 PM
Anna, please archive.
Jane and Mary Jo, thanks for the minutes and agenda for Monday, April 16.
Ellen, as acting secretary for the affiliate,when you receive from me,
please forward to all chapter/division presidents.
It is our policy to share the minutes and agenda with all
presidents in NFBNJ.
I will do so with a separate email for the following and copy you and you
can save the email addresses for future use.
Hello All
Hoping you have had a beautiful holiday season and are ready to get back
into our technology division with info to share or questions to ask!
Below, you will find the minutes/agenda and I hope to see you on our next
tech conference call.
Use the number: 1 515 604 9570
Code: 612068 POUND
National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey
NJABTU New Jersey Association of Blind Technology Users
Minutes from our tech div meeting Monday, March 19 2018 at 8 PM
Welcome remarks
Jane thanked all for being on this call and also recognized Misty Hagan
making her reminder calls.
1 Roll Call
There were 32 in attendance
Jane Degenshein President
Tony Santiago Vice President
Mary Jo Partyka Recording Secretary
Misty Hagan Corresponding Secretary
Lydia Keller Treasurer
Mario Brusco, Annemarie Cooke
Rebecca Bryant , Pat Bunce , Les Cameron , Samson Carr, Fannie Davis, ,
Linda Deberardinis,
Lori De Marco , Alice Eaddy, Laura Falk, , Chris Franz, Renee Freiling,
Anne Marie Harris , Phil Harrison, , Ken Lawrence, Marian Lee, , Brian
Brian McGrath , Linda Melendez, Angela Perone
Julius Braimah , Alisha Hawkins, Leroy Nash, Ali Hassain, Jimmy
Vonderlinden, Andy Smith
2 Secretary's Report: Mary Jo Paartyka
Mary Jo asked if all received the minutes
Motion: Linda De Berardinis
Seconded: Linda Melendez:
Discussion and all voted favorably.
3 Treasurer's Report: Lydia Keller
Lydia stated that the beginning balance was $647.56 and that $10.00 was
taken out for the PAC Plan.
The ending balance is
Motion: Brian Mackey
Seconded: Phil Harrison:
vote called and passed.
4 Friendly reminder sent out for those that have not paid dues
Just to let all know that there are still several of you that need to send
in your dues .
Send in your $5 dues to Lydia Keller as soon as possible friends.
5 Update CBVI/State Convention
Jane let everyone know that Governor Murphy assured those who attended a
meeting concerning the status of the Commission for the Blind and Visually
Impaired (cbvI) indicated that the agency would remain intact as it
currently stands and will not be incorporated into a different division.
Frye's job was posted and Joe knows
ofat least three peoplewho applied for it.
The State convention will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Iselin from
November 1 through November 4. Joe will send out information, concerning
hotel shortly and specified that Access Link passengers must ask for the
Renaissance Hotel in Woodbridge, not Iselin. :
6 Guest slot: Tony Santiago
Tech tip time with Tony
Yes he is ready and raring to go on this tech tip time regarding the
seeing ai app and all it does for FREE!
Tony Santiago discussed the Seeing AI app which was produced by Microsoft
and explained the various channels where people could go to have short
and documents read. The app can also identify products, colors,
, money, when a light is on or off, and recognize faces if the correct
pictures are taken. he app is free and Microsoft is working to make
itworkable for everyone. In order to get to the channel you want, you must
flick up and down Seeing AI is available for those who use Android phones.
You must have WIFI to use the app.
Tony also talked about another app called Dictation Bridge that he got
the weekly top tech tidbits sent out by Janie Degenshein
With this app, you can dictate your email and give verbal commands The app
is free and dictated material will be present on the Notepad. The built-in
microphone works well but you can buy a separate microphone if you want
Dictation Bridge works with Dragon dictation. Old/New Business: All
Jane talked briefly about the Code of Conduct which was developed by the
National office of the NFB. It deals with topics such as sexual
and ways that people should behave while representing the NFB. 8 Round the
Phone: All
Come ready to share your findings or ask for assistance as well.
Tony Santiago talked about the Itech group which the Capital Chapter
sponsors each month. He would like to see other chapters work together to
help people with technology questions.
Fannie Davis said that Microsoftr is encouraging people to use Microsoft
Edge as their screen reader but Tony said that the Edge has not been fully
developed at this time.
Anne Marie Cooke said that her computer doesn't have enough space for her
needs. It was suggested that she put some of her information on the Cloud
where it will be saved.
Ken Lawrence told the group that Out ofsight. net answers technology
questions on Tuesday nights and that there is an iPhone Members Anonymous
group which meets on Sundays. 9 Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 PM
The next meeting of the tech division will be held on Monday, April 16 at
Agenda for our tech div meeting Monday, April 16 at 8 PM
Dial: 1 515 604 9570
Code: 612068 Pound
1 Welcoming remarks
1 Roll Call
2 Secretary's Report: Mary Jo Partyka
3 Treasurer's Report: Lydia Keller
4 Dues Reminder: Jane Degenshein
5 Guest speaker: susan Vanino from CBVI
Discussion on senior/tech programs availaable and how to access them.
6 State convention update: Jane Degenshein
7 Old/New Business: All
8 Round the Phone: All
Come ready to share your tech tips or ask a question and get answers by
9 Adjournment
Respectfully submitted by ,
Jane Degenshein President and Mary Jo Partyka Recording Secretary
Keep Smiling,
Janie Degenshein
Happiness isn't having what you want, but wanting what you already have!
Facilitator of ECHO (Eyes Closed Hearts Open)
state affiliate board member
President of the senior division of the National Federation of the Blind
New Jersey
President of the Technology division of the National federation of the
of New Jersey
NFBNJ Newsline co-ordinator
jdegen16 at comcast.net
More information about the NJTechDiv
mailing list