[Njtechdiv] Reading Image Files with JAWS

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sun Nov 11 03:52:43 UTC 2018

Seeing AI from Microsoft will read some hand-written stuff, but 
whether or not it could handle this task -- I just don't know.


At 08:01 PM 11/10/2018, you wrote:
>Hi Everyone,
>I am required to read image files where I work.  I know JAWS usually 
>has no problem reading PDF documents but these applications are 
>scanned into the database and some are hand written.  Is there a way 
>I can read hand-written PDF documents?
>Normally, in the past, I would have been told no, but technology is 
>always changing, and perhaps some keystroke might make this 
>possible.  I'm even willing to use Narrator or another reader if I 
>could succeed in this endeavor.  I hate to job carve, and I hope it 
>doesn't come to that.  As we all know, the more skills you have, the 
>more indispensable you become in the workplace.
>Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
>All the best,

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