[NJTechDiv] Zoom on a laptop

Jane Degenshein jdegen16 at comcast.net
Wed Apr 29 16:51:36 UTC 2020

Hey Tracy
I use zoom on both as well but favor the lap top
I did just what you did and that is going to the download folder and 
entering it from there
I got those directions from a list serve I am on for zoom users
To get an icon on the desktop
I used the windows key and typed in  zoom and entered and then used the 
application key for the send to submenu and and put it on the desktop so it 
is easy now
I have a list of commands for the lap top I can send you if you wish

From: Tracy Carcione via NJTechDiv
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 11:01 AM
To: 'New Jersey Technology Division List'
Cc: Tracy Carcione
Subject: [NJTechDiv] Zoom on a laptop

I have Zoom working well on my phone, but I’m also trying to make it work on 
my laptop.  I’m having limited success, so maybe someone can tell me where I’m 
going wrong.

I get an email with a Zoom link.  I enter on the link, and Firefox opens. 
It says something will happen in a few seconds, but nothing does, so I enter 
on the download link and save the file, as the instructions seem to indicate 
I should.  Then I have to go to my downloads folder and hit enter on the 
file I just saved, then allow it to run, and finally it starts.

I’m thinking there must be an easier way.  Where am I going wrong?



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