[NJTechDiv] Updating Zoom

Mario Brusco mrb620 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 19 16:03:21 UTC 2025

Tracy, I don't know if this will work if you don't have an account or 
sign in via the website, but if you use the desktop app/client  and you 
have setup an account, sign in, tab until you get to your name that will 
probably be closed, arrow up until you hear something about checking for 
updates, and press enter. It will take a while, so be patient. If there 
is an update available, eventually there will be an install button that 
will pop up. The only way to find out when the install button pops up, 
that I know of,  is to keep tabbing around and around occasionally. When 
it finally pops up, press the spacebar on it and wait until it's done. 
JAWS will start talking after a few seconds but will finally announce 
that the update is complete or something similar, as JAWS decides to 
calm down. This is one of those times you want to hear what JAWS has to 

JAWS has not been scripted to accommodate this process yet, and probably 
won't. But hey, as long as there is a way to update, right?

This is from memory, so excuse if it doesn't work exactly as outlined. 
Please do report back if it worked or not.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Joseph Hudson via NJTechDiv <njtechdiv at nfbnet.org>
To: New Jersey Technology Division List <njtechdiv at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Joseph Hudson <jhud7789 at outlook.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 4:22 PM EST
Subject: RE: [NJTechDiv] Updating Zoom

I'm assuming that you're doing this from a desktop? So we might wanna
look at going to the control panel, and see if you can conditionally
update from that way. Hopefully somebody else can provide you with
better instruction.
Joseph Hudson

mailto:jhud7789 at twc.com <mailto:jhud7789 at twc.com>



>> On Feb 18, 2025, at 3:13 PM, Tracy Carcione via NJTechDiv 
>> <njtechdiv at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> I’m having issues with Zoom in some cases, mainly one class.  People 
>> say I should update Zoom, but I can’t figure out how.  Sometimes it 
>> updates automatically, but not for a while.
>> The only things on the Zoom page are
>> Join a meeting
>> Sign up
>> Sign in
>> Version 6.2.11
>> Alt doesn’t bring up anything but the system menu.
>> Right click doesn’t bring up anything.
>> My Zoom says Zoom Workplace, if that makes any difference.
>> I really don’t want to uninstall and install a new version, because I 
>> have a lot of audio settings for music, and I don’t want to have to 
>> start over from scratch.  My Meeting History is pretty useful, too.
>> Can anyone advise?
>> Tracy
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