[NNV-Members] Fwd: 2018 Statewide Community Needs Assessment

Mark Tadder mtadder at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 4 19:07:00 UTC 2018

Good afternoon everyone,
This survey is actually very important to funding programs. Things like mobility training, things like extra braille training or living skills for people who’ve lost their site or have never received any training to begin with. Please make an effort to fill that sucker out, as it will definitely help change some lives and let people get on with living the life that they want.

Mark Tadder
Begin forwarded message:

From: Gloria Sulhoff <gsulhoff at DHHS.NV.GOV>
Date: April 3, 2018 at 10:57:28 AM PDT
Subject: 2018 Statewide Community Needs Assessment
Reply-To: Gloria Sulhoff <gsulhoff at DHHS.NV.GOV>

Do you have an opinion about the services that are most needed to help Nevada residents live healthy, safe and stable lives?  If so, we want to hear from you!
A short survey to voice your opinion is now available and can be taken online anytime until 5 p.m. Friday, April 27th.  The online survey is available in English or Spanish - just click on the link below to access the survey, and then choose your preferred language from the toggle button in the upper right-hand corner on the first page of the survey.
Link to Online Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CG79QHN
If you would rather take the survey on paper, you can print out a copy and return it to us through regular mail or as an attachment in an email. Instructions are on the last page of the survey. Click on one of the links below to print paper copies.
English:  http://dhhs.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/dhhsnvgov/content/Programs/Grants/Reports/English_%202018_Survey_FINAL.pdf
Spanish:  http://dhhs.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/dhhsnvgov/content/Programs/Grants/Reports/Spanish_2018_Survey_FINAL.pdf
After you take the survey, please spread the word to your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, clients, constituents, community partners and any other Nevadans that you think may wish to participate. We are eager to hear from people of all ages, genders, ethnic backgrounds, abilities, and geographic locations.
The deadline for submitting a survey is Friday, April 27, 2018.
The survey is part of a Statewide Community Needs Assessment being conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Community Partnerships and Grants (OCPG). The purpose is to help set funding priorities for health and human services in the next State budget (July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020). The assessment is required by Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 439.630, which governs the Fund for a Healthy Nevada.
In addition to the survey, the Office of Community Partnerships and Grants (OCPG) will be conducting a series of public forums throughout the State. Locations include Elko, Carson City, Fallon, Reno, Pahrump, Mesquite, and Las Vegas.
Additional information about the Community Needs Assessment, including Public Forums, can be found on our webpage here: http://dhhs.nv.gov/Programs/Grants/Reports/2018_NeedsAssessmentPage/.
Thank you!

Cindy Smith
Social Services Chief III
Nevada Department of Health and Human Services
4126 Technology Way |Carson City, NV 89701
T: (775) 684-4001 |F: (775) 684-4010|E: crsmith at dhhs.nv.gov
www.dhhs.nv.gov | www.dhhs.nv.gov   
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