[nobe-l] being a teacher and compromising on beliefs

Hyde, David W. (ESC) david.hyde at wcbvi.k12.wi.us
Tue Sep 9 13:11:49 UTC 2014

Kayla, your beliefs have nothing to do with your fitness to be a teacher. Secondly, you are going to run into the same dilemma whether you teach blind students or those who are sighted. Now you might think about teaching orientation and mobility, where the subject doesn't generally come up. Physical education, English, or maybe transcribe for an organization that fits your belief structure.
Finally, I would say this for you to mull over. If you truly believe that your beliefs are the correct ones, then everyone, regardless of exposure to other sets thereof, will come to them. That takes you off the hook.

David Hyde, Professional Development Coordinator
Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1700 W. State Street
Janesville WI  53546
608-758-6152 (office)
608-751-0960 (cell)
608-758-6169 (fax)
866-284-1107 ext. 34 (toll free)
david.hyde at wcbvi.k12.wi.us<mailto:david.hyde at wcbvi.k12.wi.us>

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