[nobe-l] {Spam?} {Disarmed} windows 7 and internet instructional material

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 31 03:02:12 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I’m volunteering to help teach jaws and computer skills at the beginner to intermediate level at one of the talking book libraries.

I know how to navigate the internet and the other windows areas like the folders and dialogue boxes. But, I’m not sure how to explain the elements. Things like what a combo box is and what the buttons are, etc.
Further, there are probably keystrokes I don’t know and can learn myself to use and teach patrons.

So, can you recommend some materials? How about websites listing the Microsoft Word keystroke navigation keys?
Material could be tutorials, books or webinars, pretty much anything that is in accessible format. I read braille, so that is my preference since I can have the book as a reference and flip through its pages.
I know NBP has a book out about windows 7. That might be a helpful one to buy.

Also, how do you help people remember the keystroke commands? Is it just practice and maybe having an electronic cheat sheet with them listed?
I want to give out braille or large print handouts but many blind people don’t use that. They did not learn braille before vision loss and now they are either too low vision to see print or totally blind.

Thanks for suggestions.


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