[nobe-l] Facebook group for university students and teachers for the visually impaired

adrijana prokopenko adrijana.prokopenko at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 11:37:59 UTC 2016

Sorry, I need to give you the name again, because it was wrong the
first time. The group is called
University students and teachers of the visually impaired

On 3/5/16, adrijana prokopenko <adrijana.prokopenko at gmail.com> wrote:
> I thought another link of support should be provided between
> university students who study to become teachers to the blind and
> those who work in this field. I just created another facebook just for
> that and I would welcome new members. The group is very new, but I
> feel that it will become a great one for sharing information and
> giving support. Anyone anywhere in the world can join and it is in
> English. You can look it up as:
> University students and teachers for the visually impaired
> or click on the link below and open the join button. Feel free to also
> tell others about it.
> https://m.facebook.com/groups/1516751958628637?refid=46&sld=eyJzZWFyY2hfc2lkIjoiNDYwZjI4ZTExYTRhYTUyYzhiNzEwMDU5MjhjMDlmNjkiLCJxdWVyeSI6IlVuaXZlcnNpdHkgc3R1ZGVudHMgYW5kIHRlYWNoZXJzIG9mIHRoZSB2aXN1YWxseSBpbXBhaXJlZCIsInNlYXJjaF90eXBlIjoiU2VhcmNoIiwic2VxdWVuY2VfaWQiOjEwNTM4NzgwMzIsInBhZ2VfbnVtYmVyIjoxLCJmaWx0ZXJfdHlwZSI6IlNlYXJjaCIsImVudF9pZCI6MTUxNjc1MTk1ODYyODYzNywicG9zaXRpb24iOjAsInJlc3VsdF90eXBlIjo2OX0%3D

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