[nobe-l] Job ad

adrijana prokopenko adrijana.prokopenko at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 16:52:06 UTC 2016

Call for Applications
Journal of Research in Childhood Education Associate Editor

The Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) seeks an
Associate Editor for the Journal of Research in Childhood Education
(JRCE). ACEI seeks a highly respected education researcher for this
position, which will be a volunteer, professional appointment within
the field. The Associate Editor would serve a three-year term, with
the understanding that he/she would then take over the Editor position
(for a job description of the Editor position, contact the ACEI
Director of Publications at abauer at acei.org).

JRCE is a scholarly journal in education research, now entering its
30th year of publication. Owned by ACEI and published quarterly by
Routledge, the journal features articles that advance knowledge and
theory of the education of children, infancy through early
adolescence. The journal provides an outlet for reports of empirical
research, theoretical articles, ethnographic and case studies,
participant observation studies, and studies deriving data collected
from naturalistic settings. Particular interest is given to
cross-cultural studies and those addressing international concerns.

Qualifications: Candidates must:
 • have a recognized standing in the field of education research
 • hold current membership in ACEI
 • be knowledgeable about and experienced in early, middle, and later
childhood education and education research
 • be competent in both education writing and editing
 • have experience writing, reviewing, and editing research articles
 • have the ability to work cooperatively with the JRCE Editor, ACEI
Headquarters Staff, and Routledge representatives
 • be committed to ethical professional and editorial standards
 • have an interest in expanding JRCE's international content and
reach with contacts in the global research community.

 A doctorate is preferred.

 Additional responsibilities involve serving on the Research and
Publications Committees, attending Committee meetings, and editing the
“Research in Review” column of Childhood Education.

Duties and Responsibilities: Under the guidance of the JRCE Editor and
the general supervision of the ACEI Executive Director, the Associate
Editor will:

 • assist with coordinating the online manuscript review process
through ScholarOne
 • make recommendations for adding and removing reviewers
 • attend ACEI Publications Committee meetings, and work closely with
the Editor to implement the policies set forth by the JRCE Advisory

 Upon assumption of Editor position, duties and responsibilities will be to:

 • coordinate the online manuscript submission and review process
through ScholarOne
 • critique the reviewers’ comments and make final decisions regarding
publication of articles
 • evaluate reviewers, and make recommendations for adding and
removing reviewers
 • critique the reviewers’ comments and make final decisions regarding
publication of articles
 • attend ACEI Publications Committee meetings, and work closely with
the Editor to implement the policies set forth by the JRCE Advisory
 • work with guest editors and contributing editors on special issues
and features.

Tenure: The Editor will be named by August 1, 2016.

Application Procedures: Applicants must submit an electronic
application package, containing the following: a) a letter of
application that explains the reasons the applicant wishes to
undertake this responsibility; b) a letter from the applicant’s
employer outlining provisions that can be made to permit time for the
successful completion of duties of the Editor; c) a statement of the
relationship between the applicant’s credentials and the
qualifications stated for the position; d) a current vita; e) a
statement of philosophy regarding the focus of the Journal of Research
in Childhood Education; f) three letters of recommendation from
individuals who can speak to the applicant’s capabilities for this
position; and g) samples of the applicant’s published works.

 The application period will be open through June 30, 2016. Address
all applications and inquiries to: Anne Bauer, Association for
Childhood Education International; abauer at acei.org; (202) 372-9986.
Learn more about the Journal of Research in Childhood Education here.

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