[nobe-l] Math and Grades K-3

Valerie Gibson valandkayla at gmail.com
Tue May 31 19:43:39 UTC 2016


I wanted to thank you all for your advice and welcome regarding my last email.

Next semester I’m starting a class to teach K-3 in the subject of math. I won’t actually be teaching them, just learning how to teach them. it’s a new program my school’s doing. I guess teaching K-3 and 4-6 grades have their differences in math content.

So anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on your methods for teaching these grades in the area of math.  I met with my professor today, and he had questions like:
How do you work one-on-one with kids in a classroom setting in regards to math?  
His question regards something like, how would I make sense of what a kid is writing/solving a problem. 

What techniques do you use with younger kids in regards to math?  What would a typical math class look like for you? Could you give me any resources that may help that I can pass along to our disability services in the university and/or that I might use when i begin to teach?

Again, anything you have would be appreciated.

Thanks so much, and I look forward to hearing from you.

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