[NOBE-L] Opportunity for teachers teaching STEM subjects in grades 3-5

rjaquiss at earthlink.net rjaquiss at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 18 18:14:17 UTC 2022



     If you are a teacher teaching STEM subjects to students in grades 3-5,
please read the following. Thank you.





Robert Jaquiss





STEM Storytelling through Podcasts for Sighted, Blind, and Visually Impaired
Students (or SSP for short) is an NSF-funded project involving the use and
creation of podcasts in the classroom. We are attempting to broaden
participation for blind and visually impaired and sighted upper-elementary
students through engaging with podcast technology to tell stories about
scientists, including those who are Blind and Visually Impaired. We would
like to invite you to consider being a part of our teacher advisory board. 

About the Teacher Advisory Board

For this project, we want to make sure to include a range of teachers'
voices, expertise, and experience. We will use our teacher advisors'
feedback in designing and modifying our podcasts and resources developed as
part of this project. We are looking to recruit 25 teachers from classrooms
with sighted students and those with blind and visually impaired students,
who teach STEM courses in grades 3-5, and are working in a variety of
schools and conditions across the country. 


Our teacher advisors will help review our material throughout the year,
providing feedback via short questionnaires and focus group discussions with
other teachers. They will also help by testing some of our resources in
their classrooms with their kids. We expect that involvement with the
advisory board will take roughly 10 hours over this academic year. 


Duties will involve: 


*	Reviewing materials 2-3 times throughout the year
*	1-hour focus group discussions at 2 times throughout the year
*	Completing 2-3 short questionnaires throughout the year that take
roughly 15 minutes each
*	As appropriate and reasonable, testing resources in your teaching


Teachers who are selected as a teacher advisor for this project will receive
a $500 stipend for the year. They will also receive recognition as a teacher
in a national project, as well as early access to podcast resources and
professional learning opportunities. There will be an opportunity for
teachers to continue in years 2 and 3 of the project, as well. 


If you are interested, please go to the
<https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9Sl1Tcn6R5WpVR4> teacher
interest  <https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9Sl1Tcn6R5WpVR4>
form to apply! 




-Marshall Escamilla



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