[NOBE-L] Research Project Seeking TSVIs

Angela Wolf wolfa at tsbvi.edu
Tue Aug 27 13:19:57 UTC 2024

Please see the below message that I was asked to disseminate.

Improving the literacy outcomes of students who are blind, deafblind, or
have low vision has long been a primary goal of Teachers of Students with
Visual Impairments (TSVIs). Research shows that the literacy content
knowledge of teachers has a profound influence on student outcomes.
Therefore, as a doctoral candidate at Concordia University Chicago, I am
recruiting participants for a dissertation research study that aims to
examine the literacy content knowledge of TSVIs working in schools for the
blind or as itinerant teachers. Study results will be used to  develop
materials and professional learning experiences to support TSVIs in
providing comprehensive research-based literacy instruction to the students
they serve.

*STUDY ID#: 2228037-2*

*STUDY TITLE: *The Literacy Content Knowledge and Perceptions of Teachers
of Students with Visual Impairments

To be eligible for this study potential participants must be acting as
teachers of students with visual impairments (TSVIs) in schools for the
blind or an itinerant TSVI. Certification as a TSVI is not required as long
as the individual is currently filling the role of a TSVI. If you fit these
criteria, please use the QR code or web link below to access the survey.

Please forward this message and the following QR code and web link to the
TSVIs serving in your school.

[image: image.png]


Thank you for your time and consideration,

Julie L. Majzel, TSVI

Crf_sweglejl at cuchicago.edu

Angela Wolf, MPA, CTSVI
Director of Curriculum
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
wolfa at tsbvi.edu

Browse and order our publications at the
TSBVI Store <https://www.tsbvi.edu/store>.

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confidential student record information intended solely for school business
by the individual to whom it is addressed. Any disclosure (verbal or in
print), copying, distribution, or use of this information by an
unauthorized person is prohibited, and may violate TSBVI policy and/or the
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Should you receive this
electronic communication in error, please notify the sender immediately at
the following telephone number: 512-206-9178 Thereafter, please delete the
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