[Nyabs] Thank you from the membership committee!

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 20:26:11 UTC 2010

On behalf of the membership committee of the National Association of
Blind Students (Liz Botner,  Candice Chapman, Antonio Guimaraes,
nabslink audio coordanator David Dumphy and co-Chair Janice Jeang)
 I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for Joining
not only last night’s call, but  taking part in each of our calls over
the  past several months.  Your support, interest and ideas have been
much appreciated and  will always be most welcome as  Nabs moves
forward with creating  innovative  ways to engage the student
membership in  discussions and activities that  they feel are worthy

 As always,  should you have suggestions for  future conference calls,
ideas on how to improve what we already do, have  new ideas for
projects, or just want to get involved in any way with the membership
committee;  please feel free to get in touch withus via the  below
contact information.
Janice Jeang Co- Chair: Janice.jeang at gmail.com

Darian Smith Co Chair: Dsmithnfb at gmail.com

General Membership committee inbox: nabs.membership at gmail.com

Want to  Stay updated on what nabs is doing?
Search “National Association of Blind Students” on facebook and
follow “nabslink” on twitter.  And of course, please sign up for
“Nabs-l”;the list serve for the National Association of  Blind
Students via nabslink.org.

 If you missed Last nights call,  you can check out the archive at

 Again, much thanks to everyone and we look forward to your continued
 See you in Dallas!

Darian Smith
Skype: The_Blind_Truth
Windows Live: Lightningrod2010 at live.com
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are
spiritual beings having a human experience.” - Teilhard de Chardin

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