[Nyabs] Our next Conference

Alexander Castillo alexandera.castillo at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 12:03:16 UTC 2010

Hi all, we are back to our regular, every second Wednesday of the
month, schedule, and our next monthly conference will take place this
Wednesday June 8, 2010. Our dial in number is:

(712) 432-1438

And the access code is



Below is our agenda.

9:45- introductions
9:55- committee overview
•	 Amount made by fund raiser
•	50-50 raffle at convention
•	New memberships and local chapters
10:05- law symposium overview
10:15 National convention
•	 Brief meeting and introduction to other New York nabs members.
•	Setting up the raffle10:25- Issues and concerns: the college office
for students with disabilities services, and how we choose to use it.

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