[Nyabs] January Minutes

Lucy Cox septembergirl95 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 7 00:28:00 UTC 2011

Attendees: Rob, Alex, Tommy, Katie, Chancy, Nihal

Membership Committee
Due to busy schedules, progress has been slow. Alex encouraged the committee to have a 

conference call. Dues were discussed. Only a few members have submitted dues. Lucy said she 

would put a reminder on the email list. Kate and Alex are reaching out to organizations in 

NYC. Alex suggested getting potential members to attend local  chapter meetings. Rob is 

working with the Buffalo chapter to rebuild the Rochester Chapter. Oscar will make a flyer 

for the student division. Rob will email material to Chancy on Friday.  The division will use 

the Web address of nfbnystudents.org

Alex, Katie and Chancy are going to Washington Seminar. It begins on January 31.  Rob will 

create a Facebook page tomorrow. Rob wants to sell the NFB water bottles.  Chancy suggests 

flip back gloves. Nihal suggest rings.  or scarves. The board felt that the gloves would 

garner the best results at this time. They would be sold at Washington Seminar and if any 

were left over, then they could be sold at the Albany Seminar.

Kate and Alex have been visiting Independent Living Centers  in NY.  They are seeking 

contacts with speakers for the seminar.  in particular,  any connections with education institutes, legal and employment experts are being sought.
Alex suggested to Send contact ideas to the list. 

Issues and concerns
Tommy suggests we get scholarship applicants more involved. Alex will talk with Carl. The 

flyer that NYABS will produce can be Sent to applicants. 
septembergirl95 at gmail.com

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. 
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