[Nyabs] Our previous meeting....

Alexander Castillo alexandera.castillo at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 03:28:52 UTC 2011

Hi all, just a reminder on a couple of things touched on during our
previous meeting.

Those students in the Rockchester/Buffalo area who are wanting to set
up a student division should start planning on having a conference
call to discuss plans for that division as a group. It's a great idea
for all of you to participate in that call and bring your ideas
forward. Kate, is the head of our state membership division and she or
I can call in, give a few pointers and get you guys set up and
running. So keep us updated on that conference, we are all looking
forward to you guys having a local student division.

Anyone else who is interested in starting a local student division
should let Kate or I know and she will also help you in getting

Those of you who are working on the NYABS info pamphlet make sure to
include the following:
-Brief philosophy on NFB and how that relates to students
-brief info on NYABS
--Link to nyabs and nabs listserve
-State and National Scholarship info
-our state and student Website
-Student contact AlexanderA.Castillo at gmail.com

A list of local providers for blind services will be sent out by the
end of the week. Those who want to assist in contacting their local
organizations, please let me know.

Lucy,  if possible, please post last weeks minutes too the list.

Thanks for reading,

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