[Nyabs] Washington Seminar 2011 Meeting Agenda!

Arielle Silverman nabs.president at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 04:51:25 UTC 2011

Please note that the agenda is pasted below and also attached for your
convenience. See you next week!

 Monday January 31, 2011
National Association of Blind Students
Midwinter Gathering
Holiday Inn Capitol Hotel
Washington, D.C.
Columbia Ballroom
7:30-8:30 Breakfast meet-and-greet for new students, Starbucks
If this is your first Washington Seminar, come have breakfast with us!
Members of the NABS board will be around to answer any questions you
may have.

8:00-9:00 Registration ($5.00)
9:00 Call to Order and Welcome
Arielle Silverman, President, National Association of Blind Students
9:05 All About NFB Scholarships!
Patti Chang, Chair, NFB Scholarship Committee
9:20 Accessing our Books: Updates from RFB&D, BookShare, and NFBNewsline
Annemarie Cooke, Consultant, Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, Princeton, NJ
Allison Hilliker, Collection Development Associate, BookShare, Palo Alto, CA
Renee West, Manager of Marketing and Outreach for Sponsored Technology
Programs, National Federation of the Blind
9:50 Slammin Scientists: Some Comments on the NFB Youth Slam Experience
Jeremy Ellis, Waterloo Iowa, University of northern Iowa student; 2009
Youth Slam participant
Ashley Ritter, Mentor, 2009 Youth Slam
Mary Jo Hartle, Director of Education Programs, NFB Jernigan Institute
10:15 What are we Fighting For? A Legislative Update
Jesse Hartle, Governmental Affairs Specialist, National Federation of the Blind
10:25 Beyond the Classroom: Accessing Sports, Clubs and Community Involvement
Cindy Bennett, Asheville, North Carolina, University of North
Carolina, Wilmington student.
Bre Brown, President, West Virginia Association of Blind Students
Mika Baugh, President, Indiana Association of Blind Students.
10:50 Accessing Testing: What’s New at ETS
Ruth Loew, Assistant Director, Office of Disability Policy, Princeton, NJ
10:55 Accessing Financial Aid: An Update
Dave Rives, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C.
11:00 A Word from our NFB National President
Marc Maurer, President, National Federation of the Blind
11:15 Accessing Learning Technology: New Challenges, New Strides
Tony Olivero, International Braille and Technology Center, National
Federation of the Blind
Glinda Hill, Education Program Specialist, Office of Special
Education, U.S. Department of Education; Washington, D.C.
Daniel Goldstein, Brown, Goldstein & Levy, LLP; Baltimore, MD
11:45 Roll Call of States
12:00 Adjourn
12:15-1:30 NABS Presidents' Luncheon.  Each state please send one
delegate to this luncheon.

2:00-2:40 Breakout Session I
NFB Philosophy: What you’ve always wanted to know about the NFB (but
were afraid to ask)!
Led by Nijat Worley, Treasurer, National Association of Blind Students
Technology Q&A. Bring your questions about notetakers, screen-reading
software, or access to popular applications!
Led by Domonique Lawless, Board Member, National Association of Blind
Students, and Tony Olivero, International Braille and Technology
Center, National Federation of the Blind
Advocacy in School and on the Job
Led by Sean Whalen, Second Vice-President, National Association of
Blind Students
 Social issues-meeting people, dating, and getting involved on campus
and in the community!
Led by Meghan Whalen, Board Member, National Association of Blind Students
Division development. Learn how to organize a student division in your
state, or make your current division stronger!
Led by Karen Anderson, First Vice-President, National Association of
Blind Students
2:45-3:30 Breakout Session II. See above.
3:30 Adjourn
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