[Nyabs] FW: NYS OCFS Commission for the Blind - District Manager Vacancy

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Wed Jan 14 22:32:18 UTC 2015

>From: Funk, Judy (OCFS) 
>[<mailto:Judy.Funk at ocfs.ny.gov>mailto:Judy.Funk at ocfs.ny.gov]
>Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 2:06 PM
>To: Wunder, Gary; <mailto:jvib at nccu.edu>jvib at nccu.edu
>Cc: Daniels, Brian (OCFS); Gray, Roger (OCFS)
>Subject: NYS OCFS Commission for the Blind - District Manager Vacancy
>Good afternoon,
>My name is Judy Funk and I work in the Personnel 
>Office at the NYS Office of Children and Family 
>Services.  We are currently in the process of 
>recruiting for a District Manager for the Blind 
>in our Commission for the Blind’s Hempstead 
>Field Office and are having difficulty 
>recruiting candidates.  It is critical we fill 
>this position as soon as possible as the person 
>who held that position has vacated the item.
>Attached is our advertisement in word 
>format.  Would it be a possibility for you to 
>run the ad in the your newsletter and/or 
>anywhere else you feel applicable?  Please let 
>me know if this is something you can assist us 
>with.  If there is a cost involved, please let 
>me know that information as well as I will share 
>with my colleagues to see if they wish to 
>pursue.  Also, if you have any 
>suggestions/recommendations of other places you 
>think may be worth us reaching out for 
>advertising, that information would be most 
>helpful and much appreciated as well.
>Thank you.
>Judy Funk
>NYS OCFS – Personnel
>52 Washington St., Rm. 231N
>Rensselaer, NY  12144
>Telephone:  (518) 486-4024
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