[Nyagdu] website presence

Margo and Elmo margo.downey at verizon.net
Wed Nov 5 15:14:27 UTC 2008

One of the benchmarks we talked about completing is a better presence on the Internet.

We do not have a page, per se, on the state of new York website.  Contact info is there.  Mike Robinson, the Webmaster for the NFB NY site, is willing to help us make a page.  We give him content and ideas and he'll make the page and make it look good.  This page will be an ever-evolving presence on the Internet.

On the nagdu website, we can find the Flagdo website--Florida Association of Guide Dog users.  I'm not suggesting we plagiarize the Florida site but it's a good one and we can glean ideas from that site.

Tracy, what are you considering as a written document or set of documents for the web page?  

anyway, I'd like whoever wishes to do so to go to the flagdu website and look at it.  I also want to discover whether California has a website for its association.  

let's be creative but we don't have to totally re-invent the wheel unless we want to.

Anyway, this is a start and we have a willing Webmaster, so here we go.

Margo and Elmo

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