[Nyagdu] I need to get in touch with the person here at stony brook University that would be in touch with...

cheryl echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 26 01:17:26 UTC 2009

As we were mentioning on the conference call of getting in touch with people 
at hospital that would be the person to speak to in reference to access with 
guide dogs and policies in hospitals with that I have gotten the run around 
here, so is there a standard person or a title that you have come across 
with that would know of a department or contact with other hospital so I can 
ask for that person here.

Also, I have a documented case that was on the news last summer to which I 
have copy of the incident that the local news sent to me, if and when we are 
working on the access laws.

Also for someone who has worked past tense worked in a laboratory facility I 
know answer to this as I worked for a Tri-state facility.  I resigned since 
I have a NY State Department of Human Rights Case with my former employer, 
no it was not an access it is not totally a blindness issue either but an 
ADA issue. that is going on as we speak.

The hospitals are larger and we need the contact name at these places to 
find out.  So asking for help in this area as first stated.

Cheryl Echevarria

skype: angeldn3 

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