[Nyagdu] Convention

Margo and Arrow margo.downey at verizon.net
Mon Aug 9 17:03:31 UTC 2010

I'd like to find out who's going to the State convention in buffalo october
We need to pay Nyagdu dues.  
One thing I'd like to talk about at convention but we could start the
nagdu has a Harness Up newsletter and there has not been the response we'd
like to see in the way of articles for harness Up.  if any of you have
unique experiences to share, thoughts on guide dog issues, trips you've
taken with your guide dog, etc., please let us know.  
also, Nagdu is staodetermine how to screen and interview folks who'd like to
volunteer to work on the new nagdu hotline.  Please let me know if you'd be
interested in training to work the Hotline.  right now, the Hotline doesn't
have anything on it and the first thing we need to do is the automated
information segment.  A couple of people have expressed interest already.
We are still awaiting more updates concerning the guide attack issue in
Liverpool, new York.
Margo andArrow

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