[Oabs] OABS Update: Budgets, and banking, and money (oh my)!

Kaiti Shelton kaiti.shelton at gmail.com
Sun May 11 23:43:10 UTC 2014


It's been a while since I provided an update, but this weekend brought
an interesting, and somewhat unfortunate, development.

I was doing the paperwork to file our tax ID number with the Ohio
Secretary of State in preparation for the meeting to set up our
account with Emily, when I got this lovely little email telling me to
finalize everything we would need to send in a check or money order
for $125.  I canceled that application, because I thought there was no
way the state would charge that high of a fee for a non-profit
organization---I really thought I just hit the wrong button when
filling out the business section of the application, and accidentally
listed OABS as an LLC or something.  So, I then called the Secretary
of State's office to get some confirmation, and the fee to register
with the secretary of state is indeed $125 for non-profit

I've talked to Eric, and he is going to speak to Sherry about getting
filed.  We're going to use the $80 from our fundraiser at convention
last year, and the affiliate is going to loan us $45 which we can
repay at a later date.  It is going to suck us dry and put us in an
almost 50 dollar hole, but it is a bullet we are going to have to bite
if we're going to get a bank account started.  Half the reason it
stings so badly right now is that we're just trying to get started,
but this is a one-time hardship we will have to face in order to have
easier times fundraising in the future.  It is really going to make
what we do with both committees even more important, but especially
our bookmark fundraiser and anything we might do at convention this

Now, this leaves the gray area of this fundraiser we have going on
right now.  As some of you might have seen on Ohio-Talk, we are
banking vicariously through the generous support of the Cincinnati
Chapter, who has allowed us to use their account as our fiscal agent
until we have an account of our own.  I have instructed members of the
affiliate on how to make out checks, however I have not seen any
emails following up on that.  Emily and Deborah, if either of you know
anything, would you amend my update?  I know the division was getting
quite a bit of backlash on a few calls I attended for things that were
largely out of the group's control, but still were nonetheless
frustrating for all involved.  I think we need to keep a close eye on
this, and if indeed we have not received any checks or purchases
towards this fundraiser then we need to discuss how to proceed.

Thanks all, and keep up the work.  I know many of you are either
preparing for finals, are just catching your breath after finishing
them, or are gearing up for summer classes and events.  Feel free to
update the group on what your plans are over the summer as well; I'm
sure we'd all love to hear what our fellow members are doing.
Kaiti Shelton
University of Dayton 2016.
Music Therapy, Psychology, Philosophy
President, Ohio Association of Blind Students
Sigma Alpha Iota-Delta Sigma

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