[Ohio-Communities-of-Faith] FW: [CWWC] PROJECT PEARL WET BIBLES

Michael Moore mmoore11 at kent.edu
Sun Jun 20 17:37:36 UTC 2021



From: committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io
[mailto:committed-walk-with-Christ at groups.io] On Behalf Of Mr. Ed via
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2021 10:13 AM
To: Mr. Ed



All creatures look to you to give them their food at the proper time. When
you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are
satisfied with good things.
74f46b6174Bffcea59c> Psalm 104:27-28

There are stories and reports of "wet" Bibles and "perfume" Bibles from
Project Pearl that continue to be shared to this day. Four hours after we
left the beach that night of delivery of the one million Chinese Bibles on
June 18, 1981, a patrol of Chinese police came by and found some boxes of
Bibles stashed under the trees. They had not yet been transferred to the
storage areas. The police tried unsuccessfully to burn the Bibles and then
in frustration threw them into the water. The next morning, fishermen
plucked these floating volumes out of the sea and put them on the roofs of
their homes to dry. Later they sold them to Christians in the area. I
personally treasure a sample of one of these "wet" Bibles that was used by a
Chinese believer for fifteen years. One of the leading house church network
leaders in China acknowledges receiving "wet" Bibles from Project Pearl.

Chinese Sister Ling shares the poignant story of how she pleaded with God
for a Bible as a young evangelist. She found believers without Bibles doing
unusual things-like carrying extra oil around so they'd be ready like the
five wise virgins.

At the time of Project Pearl, she heard of a woman who had received "wet"
Bibles and dried them. When Ling asked her for a Bible, the woman required
her to quote the Lord's Prayer without a single mistake to prove she was a
believer. Ling memorized it from a handwritten copy of the Bible and passed
the test. She received one "wet" Bible.

The woman apologized for being so overly careful but then explained, "After
our brothers collected these Bibles from the shore, they began to distribute
them about China. It was very dangerous and some paid with their lives.
Remembering their sacrifice, I treasure these Bibles even more." Ling went
on to experience much suffering for her leadership role in the house church
movement but now aware that suffering in the will of God has meaning and


Today I recommit to living the principles of God's Word and not be ashamed
of publicly sharing them.


Thank God for the number of Bibles you have and ask Him to provide for those
still without even one copy.

Provided by Bible Gateway:



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