[Ohio-talk] Washington Seminar type gathering in Ohio?

Barbara Pierce bbpierce at pobox.com
Mon Jan 19 18:24:54 UTC 2009

The Ohio affiliate should have an active enough legislative agenda to
warrant an annual day in Columbus. The last time we did one was a breakfast
we did, and I think we were demonstrating accessible voting machines. These
events are quite expensive, though you can do them on the cheep if you
expect people to come to Columbus in the morning and leave in the afternoon.
My experience is that we have a hard time mustering that much commitment
among our members. But if we do such an event, we have to have several
legislative issues to discuss. We must build up that kind of robust program.
Mike, or course, wants us there to speak on behalf of BSVI and to be a
living advertisement for what BSVI can accomplish. Right now we have neither
the program nor the disposable income for such a day. I personally think we
should be working developing both. To be effective, however, we have to have
an employee who can prepare the ground or a volunteer in the Columbus area
who likes such activity and would do it free. We don't have either at the


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