[Ohio-talk] We're Back

Dr. Smith jwsmithnfb at verizon.net
Sun Jul 12 16:11:57 UTC 2009

We're back and what a great meeting it was.

Some of the highlights included:

1 We had 132 registered attendees wich made us come in number 5 in attendance and just 1 behind Colorado.

It was an amazing turn out and our enthusiasm level remained consistent during the whole Convention.

2 Thanks to Crystal McClain, we had good tables at the banquet and our bus trip was successful and even fun at times.

We are so blessed to have our parents and others who just jump right in and do whatever it takes to make all of us successful.

Please let's never take them for granted!!

3 Our candy sales were through the roof.

Richard and Cindy and Jim did a fantastic job of getting the candy for us, distributing it and collecting the money.

We had to go and get more candy in Detroit because we had sold out in 2 days.

What a great problem to have.

Essentially, we spent about 450 dollars for the candy and on Friday I sent our treasurer 900 plus dollars as a result of all of your efforts.

I believe that Richard and Cindy will announce the winner of the prize for selling the most candy soon, but let it suffice too say that we did very good this year in this area and made money.

I think next year we will need to get twice as many peanuts because we could not keep them.

Great effort, now let's build on this and  keep thinking about idea's that we can do to raise money for our cause ok?

4 Barbara Pierce and myself won door prizes as well as others in the affiliate and still others missed some great ones because they were not present when their names were called.

The point here is, I can't remember a time when we had such luck in this area and while we don't attend for the prizes it's always fun to have your name called at least sometimes.

5 We had severall members of our affiliate that attended their first Convention, by my count at least 35 this year. 

This is great now it is our task to get them to our State Convention and keep them interested in what we do and who we are and to get them as involved as we can and as they want to be in our affiliate.

These are some of the highlights off the top of my head and if you have others just tell us please??

Thank you all for making my first National Convention as state President as enjoyable and productive as it was.

I love you all and I'm more inspired to work even harder for our affiliate as a result of our wonderful success in Detroit.

Now, if their is more good news from the Convention itself or in general, shout it out.


Dr. J. Webster Smith
President National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
P.O.BOX 458 Athens, Ohio, 45701-0458
Phone Number - 740-592-6326 
"Changing What it Means to be Blind"

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